Hi !
Im looking for a tool which is capable of making a diagram/chart from an audio file (mp3,AAC,etc..),where the vertical axis is bitrate ,horizonal is time.
Similar like this ,for example :
Thanks in advance (again
Don't know any tool which does this for all common audio formats.
But, if you know your way around some spreadsheet tool you could use ffprobe to create a csv with the values you want:
ffprobe -select_streams a -i "PATH TO INPUT" -show_entries "frame=pkt_dts,pkt_dts_time,pkt_pts_time,pkt_duration_time,pkt_pos,pkt_size,best_effort_timestamp,best_effort_timestamp_time,sample_fmt,nb_samples,channels,channel_layout" -pretty -print_format csv -of csv > "Path to output.csv"
and then use a speadsheet tool to create the diagrams.
If Python is an option you could use:
https://github.com/zeroepoch/plotbitrate which basically uses ffprobe to do the aboce analysis and then creates a graph from that data.
Side note:
Spek - Acoustic Spectrum Analyser might be interessting, if you want to look at the spectrum and not the bitrate.
Cu Selur
Py is a no go for me.
Spek ,i know it.
Ffprobe: will try ASAP!
Many many thanks!