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Full Version: how to build mplayer from the source static
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hi, how do I build mplayer from the source with static flag.
I've done a build of it, but mplayer doesn't show up image and audio.
I've used the selur mplayer and mencoder and both works pretty nice. how do I build my own?
What OS are you using?
Moved thread to 'Small Talk' since it's not really Hybrid related.
hi, I am using ubuntu 20.04. is there any script for I build it or any tip ?
how do I build mencoder and mplayer from the source equal to selur, his build is pretty awesome and works in everything.
I never saw such great developer in my life. the app he build is incredable.
The scripts I use to build all the tools for Hybrid, which includes mplayer&mencoder can be found over at:
The is the one which builds the tools and iirc. one can also call it with the name of the tool to build instead of building all tools (not totally sure, since it's ages since I used that).

Cu Selur

Ps.: the building itself or mplayer&mencoder starts at: