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Huh Please explain

why didn’t they add Versions 2 and 4?
As far as I know:
version 1: first version that was released
version 2: was experimental and never release
version 3: was the first public release for production purposes
version 4: was and still is a work-in-progress
=> not astounding that there is no support for 2&4 in ffmpeg

Cu Selur

Ps.: moved the thread since it's not really Hybrid related
(09.09.2023, 08:09)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know:
version 1: first version that was released
version 2: was experimental and never release
version 3: was the first public release for production purposes
version 4: was and still is a work-in-progress
=> not astounding that there is no support for 2&4 in ffmpeg

Cu Selur

Ps.: moved the thread since it's not really Hybrid related

aaa ok thanks