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Full Version: VHS - Top of picture bends
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Is there a way to fix this - the top of the video seems to bend and wobble in various scenes throughout the file.

sample video clip
# Spot removal using SpotLess
clip = SpotLess.SpotLess(clip=clip, radT=3, pel=1)
# removing flickering using ReduceFlicker
clip = core.rdfl.ReduceFlicker(clip=clip, strength=3, aggressive=1)
# removing flickering using Small Deflicker
clip = fromDoom9.Small_Deflicker(clip=clip, preset=3, cnr=True)
should help, you can also try whether calling ReduceFlicker multiple times helps more
(did a quick test using 2x Small Deflicker fixes the flickering/bending in the top quite nice)

Cu Selur
or maybe use a frame syncronizer/tbc on source before acquisition to "alleviate" the effect.
The bend at the top of picture is on the master, and every VHS copy I have seen.
(01.05.2024, 18:20)Miranda Wrote: [ -> ]The bend at the top of picture is on the master, and every VHS copy I have seen.

well, it would be, if you only have one u-matic machine, then it's propagating error on everything beneath, so to speak.

but if it bends equally on every u-matic machine, then yeah, it's probably issue in the recording itself, which is possible.

and yeah, in that case no help from tbc.