I'm running Hybrid in Windows 10 on an old HP Z420 workstation. Upscales can take days to process.
What PC set-up would anybody like to suggest as a way to speed things up, without spending a small fortune?
Would a HP Z4 G4 speed up processing?

Assuming you are using some machine learning filter: the newer the card and the more cuda&tensor cores it has, the better.
(usually speed scales alongside these)
Best look at some pytorch or similar benchmarks comparing the graphic card you have and that's in your budget.
Cu Selur
(03.05.2024, 17:11)Miranda Wrote: [ -> ]Would a HP Z4 G4 speed up processing?
Quadro P1000 and M2000 are very old and obsolete cards... better to noo put money on them.
Looking for some affordable second hand PC suggestions folks.
I am not sure what cards would be best?
What budget are you planning in for the gpu on its own?
I'm looking for a whole new workstation, preferably second hand, with dual boot Windows 7 and 10. Some of the Blu-ray authoring software won't run after w10.
Windows 7 ? how? latest machines that have windows 7 drivers was intel 6th and 7th generation... how you think that a PCI express 3.0 machine can handle a RTX40xx (necessary to use new IA/deeplearning algorithms?)
if you are not interested on upscaling and similar things (and not interested on win7) ... you have just to choice a 16 threads PC... (cheapers are Ryzen 1700x 1800x 2700x 3700x.. alternatively an i7 10700 ) 16 GB DDR4... NVME disk and as a graphics card... from 2060 to 3060 (pci express 3.0)
on my current setup i use hybrid to do deinterlacing and temporaldegrain old VHSs... and i'm just switched from a 3700x Ryzen to a 3900X (16 threads to 24 threads) without any difference on rendering times. (CPU is used only at 80%) ... the GPU is a 750Ti that is not used at all (i use it to H264 conversions in kdenlive)
well.. this mean that it's necessary to know for what you are using Hybrid. (bluerays on 2024? why? selling them? and again .. why? how someone can read a blueray right now? using an old full size Playstation?)
Quote:Some of the Blu-ray authoring software won't run after w10.
i think that a software that is not working on windows 10.. is not able to use hardware properly.. no
multithreading .. no modern GPUs... think about virtualization
My ancient DTS encoder only works in Windows 7, 32 bit
We sell 1000s of Blu-rays. There is a huge collectors' market.
your cpu:
my cpu in a cca. 300$ new build (i had some old psu and ssd, bought case, ram, cpu and mobo):
should be 5x faster.
build a new machine to do just upscaling in hybrid....don't even buy gpu....or, buy it later if it helps a lot....
if you're making any money on it with that z420, it'll pay for itself within a month.....
Quote:how someone can read a blueray right now?
how can you read vhs?
you know, even these days, cds, dvds and br make sense: because they're cheap and offer unparalleled quality.
recompression (done literally everywhere on web) fades digital copies quite fast, just like 2nd or 3rd generation of vhs...heh