12.07.2024, 01:23
Any VDub2 guru's in here? Recently installed avisynth+ x64 and have had about 50% success converting mkv files to mp4 through virtualdub2 (using QTGMC deinterlacer for interlaced content and the reason I switched to using Hyrbid). The other portion of the time is spent ripping my hair out researching the out of bounds memory error fixes. I have attached the crash log and a simple avs script I am running.
I'm running on 6 cores, 12 logical processors, windows 10 64-bit desktop, 32GB. The out of bounds memory access violation keeps occurring in the x264 codec. I've tried lowering the prefetch to 8 and 6 to see if that helps but it didn't. Also tried reducing the EdiThreads too. One interesting note is I am running the exact same scripts and programs on a laptop as I am on my desktop. The laptop is windows 11 but significantly slower, 4 cores, 8 LP and have had zero issues running scripts. Problem is one video takes about 6-7x longer to encode.
Input file is an interlaced mpeg2 mkv 29.97 ripped with MakeMKV. Output to progressive 59.94
Error code file:
avs script:
Edit to add: I had converted several files early on successfully and then this started happening and have 1 successful encode on it since I started getting the errors.
I'm running on 6 cores, 12 logical processors, windows 10 64-bit desktop, 32GB. The out of bounds memory access violation keeps occurring in the x264 codec. I've tried lowering the prefetch to 8 and 6 to see if that helps but it didn't. Also tried reducing the EdiThreads too. One interesting note is I am running the exact same scripts and programs on a laptop as I am on my desktop. The laptop is windows 11 but significantly slower, 4 cores, 8 LP and have had zero issues running scripts. Problem is one video takes about 6-7x longer to encode.
Input file is an interlaced mpeg2 mkv 29.97 ripped with MakeMKV. Output to progressive 59.94
Error code file:
VirtualDub2 crash report -- build 1 (release-AMD64)
64c4ba80: f6e3 mul al, bl
64c4ba82: c5 db 0c5h
64c4ba83: d5f6 aad 0f6h
64c4ba85: ebc5 jmp 7ff764c4ba4c
64c4ba87: cdf6 int 0f6h
64c4ba89: f3c5 db 0c5h
64c4ba8b: fd std
64c4ba8c: fd std
64c4ba8d: c4 db 0c4h
64c4ba8e: c5 db 0c5h
64c4ba8f: f5 cmc
64c4ba90: fd std
64c4ba91: cdc5 int 0c5h
64c4ba93: ed in eax, dx
64c4ba94: fd std
64c4ba95: d6 db 0d6h
64c4ba96: 4c8b5c2430 mov r11, [rsp+30h]
64c4ba9b: c5 db 0c5h
64c4ba9c: fd std
64c4ba9d: 6bc1c5 imul eax, ecx, 0c5h
64c4baa0: ed in eax, dx
64c4baa1: 6bd2c4 imul edx, edx, 0c4h
64c4baa4: e27d loop 7ff764c4bb23
64c4baa6: 02c2 add al, dl
64c4baa8: c4 db 0c4h
64c4baa9: e37d jecxz7dh
64c4baab: 39c1 cmp ecx, eax
64c4baad: 01c5 add ebp, eax
64c4baaf: f9 stc
64c4bab0: fec1 inc cl
64c4bab2: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bab3: c1797f03 sar dword ptr [rcx+7fh], 03h
64c4bab7: c5 db 0c5h
64c4bab8: f8 clc
64c4bab9: 28742408 sub [rsp+08h], dh
64c4babd: c5 db 0c5h
64c4babe: f8 clc
64c4babf: 77c3 ja 7ff764c4ba84
64c4bac1: 0f db 0fh
64c4bac2: 1f db 1fh
64c4bac3: 8400 test [rax], al
64c4bac5: 0000 add [rax], al
64c4bac7: 0000 add [rax], al
64c4bac9: 0f db 0fh
64c4baca: 1f db 1fh
64c4bacb: 800000 add byte ptr [rax], 00h
64c4bace: 0000 add [rax], al
64c4bad0: c5 db 0c5h
64c4bad1: f8 clc
64c4bad2: 29742408 sub [rsp+08h], esi
64c4bad6: c5 db 0c5h
64c4bad7: f8 clc
64c4bad8: 297c2418 sub [rsp+18h], edi
64c4badc: 4c8b542428 mov r10, [rsp+28h]
64c4bae1: 4c8b5c2430 mov r11, [rsp+30h]
64c4bae6: 4b8d045b lea rax, [r11+r11*2]
64c4baea: c4 db 0c4h
64c4baeb: e27d loop 7ff764c4bb6a
64c4baed: 5a pop edx
64c4baee: 21c4 and esp, eax
64c4baf0: e27d loop 7ff764c4bb6f
64c4baf2: 5a pop edx
64c4baf3: 6910c5fa6f02 imul edx, [rax], 026ffac5
64c4baf9: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bafa: c17a6f08 sar dword ptr [rdx+6fh], 08h
64c4bafe: c4 db 0c4h
64c4baff: a17a6f141a mov eax, [1a146f7a]
64c4bb04: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb05: 817a6f1c18c4c3 cmp dword ptr [rdx+6fh], c3c4181c
64c4bb0c: 7d38 jge 7ff764c4bb46
64c4bb0e: 0101 add [rcx], eax
64c4bb10: c4 db 0c4h <-- FAULT
64c4bb11: c3 ret
64c4bb12: 7538 jnz 7ff764c4bb4c
64c4bb14: 0a01 or al, [rcx]
64c4bb16: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb17: 836d3814 sub dword ptr [rbp+38h], 14h
64c4bb1b: 1901 sbb [rcx], eax
64c4bb1d: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb1e: 8365381c and dword ptr [rbp+38h], 1ch
64c4bb22: 1a01 sbb al, [rcx]
64c4bb24: c5 db 0c5h
64c4bb25: fd std
64c4bb26: f6c4c5 test ah, 0c5h
64c4bb29: f5 cmc
64c4bb2a: f6 db 0f6h
64c4bb2b: cc int 3
64c4bb2c: c5 db 0c5h
64c4bb2d: ed in eax, dx
64c4bb2e: f6d5 not ch
64c4bb30: c5 db 0c5h
64c4bb31: e5f6 in eax, 0f6h
64c4bb33: ddc5 ffree st(5)
64c4bb35: fd std
64c4bb36: fd std
64c4bb37: c2c5f5 ret f5c5
64c4bb3a: fd std
64c4bb3b: cb retf
64c4bb3c: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb3d: e27d loop 7ff764c4bbbc
64c4bb3f: 5a pop edx
64c4bb40: 7120 jno 7ff764c4bb62
64c4bb42: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb43: e27d loop 7ff764c4bbc2
64c4bb45: 5a pop edx
64c4bb46: 7930 jns 7ff764c4bb78
64c4bb48: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb49: a17a6f145a mov eax, [5a146f7a]
64c4bb4e: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb4f: 817a6f1c58c5fa cmp dword ptr [rdx+6fh], fac5581c
64c4bb56: 6f outsd
64c4bb57: 2402 and al, 02h
64c4bb59: c4 db 0c4h
64c4bb5a: c17a6f2c sar dword ptr [rdx+6fh], 2ch
64c4bb5e: 00c4 add ah, al
64c4bb60: 836d3814 sub dword ptr [rbp+38h], 14h
64c4bb64: 59 pop ecx
64c4bb65: 01c4 add esp, eax
64c4bb67: 8365381c and dword ptr [rbp+38h], 1ch
64c4bb6b: 5a pop edx
64c4bb6c: 01c4 add esp, eax
64c4bb6e: c3 ret
64c4bb6f: 5d pop ebp
64c4bb70: 382401 cmp [rcx+rax], ah
64c4bb73: 01c4 add esp, eax
64c4bb75: c3 ret
64c4bb76: 55 push ebp
64c4bb77: 382c02 cmp [rdx+rax], ch
64c4bb7a: 01c5 add ebp, eax
64c4bb7c: ed in eax, dx
64c4bb7d: f6d6 not dh
64c4bb7f: c5 db 0c5h
Built on R-COMP on Sun May 26 18:00:29 2024 using compiler version 1939
Windows 10 x64
Memory status: virtual free 134163245M/134217728M, commit limit 37582M, physical total 32718M
RAX = 11a0
RBX = 19217ecbbcf
RCX = 19126f8ef40
RDX = 19217ecb00b
RSI = ffffffffffffffff
RDI = ffffffff
RBP = 19126f88b00
R8 = 19217ecb013
R9 = 19217ecb5eb
R10 = 19317ecb00e
R11 = 5e0
R12 = fffffffffffffffc
R13 = 4
R14 = bc0
R15 = 19217ecc1b1
RSP = 4dc50f6e68
RIP = 64c4bb10
EFLAGS = 00010216
Crash reason: Access Violation
Crash context:
An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'x264-8'...
...reading address 0000019317ECB00E.
Pointer dumps:
RBX 19217ecbbcb: b7b7b6b5 b7b7b6b7 b7b7b7b7 b9b8b7b7 bcbcbbba b6b8bdbd bab9b8b6 bbbbbbbb
RCX 19126f8ef40: b6b7b8ba b3b4b5b6 b5b4b3b3 babab8b7 b8b8b9ba b6b7b8b8 b7b6b5b6 bcbcbbb9
RDX 19217ecb00b: b7b8b7b6 b3b4b5b6 b4b2b1b1 b8b6b5b5 b8b7b6b7 b5b7bab9 b9b9b8b6 bbbbbaba
RSP 4dc50f6e68: 64be5700 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
4dc50f6e88: 00000000 00000000 17ecb00e 00000193 000005e0 00000000 c50f70e0 0000004d
4dc50f6ea8: 00000010 00000000 64c84500 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 26f8ef40 00000191
4dc50f6ec8: 000005e0 00000000 ffffffff 0000004d 17ecaa30 00000192 26f22280 00000191
RBP 19126f88b00: 0010f3ff 00000012 00000003 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000009 000005a0
19126f88b20: 00000438 00000002 00000008 00000032 000244d2 00000000 00000001 00000001
19126f88b40: 00000000 00000005 00000000 00000002 00000002 00000001 00000000 00000010
19126f88b60: 00000001 000000fa 00000019 00000028 00000000 00000008 00000002 00000000
R8 19217ecb013: b4b2b1b1 b8b6b5b5 b8b7b6b7 b5b7bab9 b9b9b8b6 bbbbbaba bababbbb babababb
R9 19217ecb5eb: b7b8b7b5 b5b6b6b7 b5b4b3b4 b7b7b7b6 babab8b7 b5b7bbba bab9b7b5 bbbbbabb
R15 19217ecc1b1: b9b9b8b7 bababab9 bdbdbcbb bdbebdbd b8b7b8ba bbbabab9 bdbcbbbb bcbcbcbd
Thread call stack:
64c4bb10: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+102880]
64bcf6a2: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+86412]
64c3f593: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+f6303]
64b67b49: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+1e8b9]
64bbe5b6: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+75326]
64c3ffb5: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+f6d25]
64bd7781: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+8e4f1]
64c1e86a: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+d55da]
64c1d9b4: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+d4724]
64b8acae: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+41a1e]
64c1a440: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+d11b0]
64c01cc7: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+b8a37]
64c236f1: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+da461]
64c09b1c: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+c088c]
64bd37e6: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+8a556]
64b58a6f: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+f7df]
7ffd16b4cb51: ntdll!RtlFindActivationContextSectionString [7ffd16b30000+1c6c0+491]
7ffd16b4d23b: ntdll!RtlFindActivationContextSectionGuid [7ffd16b30000+1cd80+4bb]
7ffd16b4c7bc: ntdll!RtlFindActivationContextSectionString [7ffd16b30000+1c6c0+fc]
7ffd16b4c3c8: ntdll!RtlInitUnicodeStringEx [7ffd16b30000+1c270+158]
7ffcdc2e4517: FileSyncShell64!?SizeUnknown@QoS@@YAIXZ [7ffcdc2e0000+43e0+137]
7ffd16b4aced: ntdll!RtlDosApplyFileIsolationRedirection_Ustr [7ffd16b30000+1a9e0+30d]
7ffd16b51374: ntdll!RtlEqualUnicodeString [7ffd16b30000+20d10+664]
7ffd16b91953: ntdll!RtlDetectHeapLeaks [7ffd16b30000+61770+1e3]
7ffd16b49877: ntdll!RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast [7ffd16b30000+197b0+c7]
7ffd16b4f5f7: ntdll!RtlGetFullPathName_UstrEx [7ffd16b30000+1d890+1d67]
7ffd16b4fcf4: ntdll!RtlGetFullPathName_UstrEx [7ffd16b30000+1d890+2464]
7ffd16b46dad: ntdll!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus [7ffd16b30000+16be0+1cd]
7ffd16b46cdf: ntdll!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus [7ffd16b30000+16be0+ff]
7ffd16b46d4b: ntdll!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus [7ffd16b30000+16be0+16b]
7ffd16b5121f: ntdll!RtlEqualUnicodeString [7ffd16b30000+20d10+50f]
7ffd16b5b44d: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7ffd16b30000+2a9a0+aad]
7ffd16b4a8fc: ntdll!RtlReleaseRelativeName [7ffd16b30000+1a320+5dc]
7ffd16b4a407: ntdll!RtlReleaseRelativeName [7ffd16b30000+1a320+e7]
7ffd16b5df6f: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7ffd16b30000+2a9a0+35cf]
7ffd16b4f47e: ntdll!RtlGetFullPathName_UstrEx [7ffd16b30000+1d890+1bee]
7ffd16b50b31: ntdll!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection [7ffd16b30000+207e0+351]
7ffd16b5b90b: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7ffd16b30000+2a9a0+f6b]
7ffd16b5b3c7: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [7ffd16b30000+2a9a0+a27]
7ffd16b602c9: ntdll!LdrGetProcedureAddressForCaller [7ffd16b30000+2fdc0+509]
7ffcdc3882b4: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+4cd54]
7ffcdc387ff6: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+4ca96]
7ffd0fe029ff: WTSAPI32!IsInteractiveUserSession [7ffd0fe00000+2630+3cf]
7ffcdc388531: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+4cfd1]
7ffcdc387d49: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+4c7e9]
7ffcdc36a7c6: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+2f266]
7ffcdc36b762: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+30202]
7ffd16b49877: ntdll!RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast [7ffd16b30000+197b0+c7]
7ffcdc36b16d: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+2fc0d]
7ffd16b49a26: ntdll!RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast [7ffd16b30000+19900+126]
7ffd16b49993: ntdll!RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast [7ffd16b30000+19900+93]
7ffcdc36b3bb: FileSyncShell64!?GetLogObfuscationKeyManger@@YAJPEAPEAVILogObfuscationKeyManager@@@Z [7ffcdc2e0000+5b560+2fe5b]
7ffd16b49aff: ntdll!RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast [7ffd16b30000+19900+1ff]
7ffd16b6e693: ntdll!RtlGetVersion [7ffd16b30000+3e4e0+1b3]
7ffd16b8eec4: ntdll!LdrEnumerateLoadedModules [7ffd16b30000+5edd0+f4]
7ffd16b47955: ntdll!LdrShutdownThread [7ffd16b30000+17450+505]
7ffd16b47877: ntdll!LdrShutdownThread [7ffd16b30000+17450+427]
7ffd16b478aa: ntdll!LdrShutdownThread [7ffd16b30000+17450+45a]
7ffd16b4791d: ntdll!LdrShutdownThread [7ffd16b30000+17450+4cd]
7ffd16b4793d: ntdll!LdrShutdownThread [7ffd16b30000+17450+4ed]
7ffd16ba60bd: ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk [7ffd16b30000+75c20+49d]
7ffd16ba5c83: ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk [7ffd16b30000+75c20+63]
7ffd16ba5c38: ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk [7ffd16b30000+75c20+18]
7ffd16b94821: ntdll!RtlWakeAddressAll [7ffd16b30000+646e0+141]
7ffd16b5fae2: ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection [7ffd16b30000+2faa0+42]
7ffd16b81910: ntdll!RtlRestoreLastWin32Error [7ffd16b30000+518d0+40]
7ffd16b95897: ntdll!RtlSleepConditionVariableCS [7ffd16b30000+65770+127]
7ffd143b478d: KERNELBASE!OpenThreadToken [7ffd14380000+34740+4d]
64b57416: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+e186]
64b5b0d0: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+11e40]
64b51b88: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+88f8]
64b5195b: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+86cb]
64b51a0a: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+877a]
64b65f00: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+1cc70]
7ffd1524aa7a: msvcrt!__threadid [7ffd15210000+3a800+27a]
64b51813: x264-8!VDDriverProc [64b40000+9290+8583]
7ffd1524af5a: msvcrt!_beginthreadex [7ffd15210000+3ae30+12a]
7ffd1524b02c: msvcrt!_endthreadex [7ffd15210000+3af80+ac]
7ffd15167344: KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk [7ffd15150000+17330+14]
7ffd16b7cc91: ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart [7ffd16b30000+4cc70+21]
-- End of report
avs script:
SetFilterMTMode("qtgmc", 2)
FFmpegSource2("B1_t00.mkv", atrack=-1)
QTGMC(Preset="slower", EdiThreads=3)
KNLMeansCL(d=1, a=2, s=4, h=1.2, wref=1.0, channels="auto", wmode=0, device_type="auto", mode_9_to_15bits=1, info=false)
Edit to add: I had converted several files early on successfully and then this started happening and have 1 successful encode on it since I started getting the errors.