Hier habe ich nochmal den Log vom Mkvcutter, sieht eigentlich alles korrekt aus. Die erzeugte mkv spielt dann aber auch mit 23,82 fps im mpc-hc ab, erst wenn man sie manuell mit 24000/1001 remuxt wird es richtig abgespielt.
MkvInfoAnalyszer call: mkvinfo.exe --ui-language en -s "G:\003\003.mkv"
profile@Level: High @L4.1
video track numer: 1
video stream frame rate: 23.976
subtitle track: 2, language: pol
Track 1: video, codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC (h.264 profile: High @L4.1), mkvmerge/mkvextract track ID: 0, default duration: 41.708ms (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track), language: jpn, pixel width: 720, pixel height: 540, display width: 720, display height: 540
Track 2: audio, codec ID: A_AAC, mkvmerge/mkvextract track ID: 1, default duration: 21.333ms (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track), language: jpn, sampling freq: 48000, channels: 2
Track 3: subtitles, codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS, mkvmerge/mkvextract track ID: 2, language: pol
frame count: 35424
MkvvInfo detected 35424 frames 308 of them are key frames
video stream key frame count: 308, average distance: 115
MediaInfo call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\MediaInfo.exe" --Full "G:\003\003.mkv"
profile@Level: High@L4.1
cabac: 1
cabac: 1
reference frames: 16
aspect ratio of input: 1
Found x264 encoding settings!
frame rate mode: cfr
audio format: AAC
video scan order: progressive
Video doesn't use an even frame rate -> extracting time codes
Mkv extractor call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\mkvextract.exe" timecodes_v2 "G:\003\003.mkv" 0:"G:\003\003_timecode.tc"
time code file was extracted to: G:\003\003_timecode.tc
FFIndexCaller(G:\003\003.mkv, G:\003\003.ffindex)
FFIndex call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffmsindex.exe" "G:\003\003.mkv" "G:\003\003.ffindex"
initializing the avisynth script environment,..
Loading avisynth.dll
loaded CreateScriptEnvironment definition from dll,..
looking for avisynth version,..
current avisynth version: AviSynth 2.60, build:Feb 20 2015 [03:16:45]
Saved temp avs file to G:\003\003_tmp.avs
Importing G:\003\003_tmp.avs into environment,..
grabbing clip infos,..
checking colorspace,..
current color space is Yv12
invoking ConvertToRGB
initializating the clip anew,..
grabbing clip infos,..
adjusting slider to frame count,..
showing first frame,..
set cut-start to: 2616
set cut-start to: 4146
set cut-start to: 17628
Cutting time codes,...
Finished cutting time codes, count: 29237
Successfully cut and saved timecodes, to: G:\003\003_timecode_cut.tc
collecting cut list and audio cuts,..
current cut: 02616-03881
-> time cut: 00:01:49.066-00:02:41.828
B1: adding startCut to cuts: 2616 2616-2690 2691
B2: adding middleCut to cuts: 2691 2691-3665 3666
B4: adding endCut to cuts: 3666 3666-3881 3905
current cut: 04146-17363
-> time cut: 00:02:52.881-00:12:04.139
B1: adding startCut to cuts: 4145 4146-4289 4290
B2: adding middleCut to cuts: 4290 4290-17181 17182
B3: adding middle&endCut to cuts: 17182 17182-17363 17364
current cut: 17628-32383
-> time cut: 00:12:15.192-00:22:30.598
B1: adding startCut to cuts: 17567 17628-17806 17807
B2: adding middleCut to cuts: 17807 17807-32348 32349
B4: adding endCut to cuts: 32349 32349-32383 32388
-> calculated audio length: 00:20:19.425, in seconds: 1219.43
-> calculated video length: 00:20:19.427, in seconds: 1219.43
building trim and video parts,...
adding(6) 003_cut_001.mkv <> KEEP for 2616-2690
removed last, now adding(7) 003_cut_001.mkv <> KEEP for 2616-3666
adding(2) 003_cut_002.mkv <> Trim(0,length=215) for 3666-3881
adding(4) 003_cut_003.mkv <> Trim(1,length=143) for 4146-4289
adding(6) 003_cut_004.mkv <> KEEP for 4290-17181
removed last, now adding(7) 003_cut_004.mkv <> KEEP for 4290-17364
adding(4) 003_cut_005.mkv <> Trim(61,length=178) for 17628-17806
adding(6) 003_cut_006.mkv <> KEEP for 17807-32348
adding(2) 003_cut_007.mkv <> Trim(0,length=34) for 32349-32383
New temp folder: G:\003\temp
mkvParts count: 7
Calling video cutter,..
Saving options:
to: G:\003\temp\test_mkvOptions.txt
Saved G:\003\temp\test_mkvOptions.txt.
Video split call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\mkvmerge.exe" @"G:\003\temp\TEST_M~1.TXT"
MkvMerge output: mkvmerge v12.0.0 ('Trust / Lust') 32bit
MkvMerge output: 'G:\003\003.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'.
MkvMerge output: 'G:\003\003.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'.
MkvMerge output: Progress: 0%
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-001.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-001.mkv
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-002.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-002.mkv
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-003.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-003.mkv
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-004.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-004.mkv
MkvMerge output: Progress: 26%
MkvMerge output: Progress: 48%
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-005.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-005.mkv
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-006.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-006.mkv
MkvMerge output: Progress: 66%
MkvMerge output: Progress: 85%
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test-007.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test-007.mkv
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: Progress: 100%
MkvMerge output: Multiplexing took 2 seconds.
deleted G:\003\temp\test_mkvOptions.txt
video splitter created the following files:
1: G:\003\temp\test-001.mkv
2: G:\003\temp\test-002.mkv
3: G:\003\temp\test-003.mkv
4: G:\003\temp\test-004.mkv
5: G:\003\temp\test-005.mkv
6: G:\003\temp\test-006.mkv
7: G:\003\temp\test-007.mkv
mkvSplit finished,..
handling split files,...
trim value for 003_cut_001.mkv: KEEP
trim value for 003_cut_002.mkv: Trim(0,length=215)
createAvisynthSkript(G:\003\temp\test-002.mkv, Trim(0,length=215))
Avisynth file name: G:\003\temp\test-002.avs
Saved avisynth script:
LoadPlugin("C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffms2.dll")
FFVideoSource("G:\003\temp\test-002.mkv", threads=1)
to: G:\003\temp\test-002.avs
trim value for 003_cut_003.mkv: Trim(1,length=143)
createAvisynthSkript(G:\003\temp\test-003.mkv, Trim(1,length=143))
Avisynth file name: G:\003\temp\test-003.avs
Saved avisynth script:
LoadPlugin("C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffms2.dll")
FFVideoSource("G:\003\temp\test-003.mkv", threads=1)
to: G:\003\temp\test-003.avs
trim value for 003_cut_004.mkv: KEEP
trim value for 003_cut_005.mkv: Trim(61,length=178)
createAvisynthSkript(G:\003\temp\test-005.mkv, Trim(61,length=178))
Avisynth file name: G:\003\temp\test-005.avs
Saved avisynth script:
LoadPlugin("C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffms2.dll")
FFVideoSource("G:\003\temp\test-005.mkv", threads=1)
to: G:\003\temp\test-005.avs
trim value for 003_cut_006.mkv: KEEP
trim value for 003_cut_007.mkv: Trim(0,length=34)
createAvisynthSkript(G:\003\temp\test-007.mkv, Trim(0,length=34))
Avisynth file name: G:\003\temp\test-007.avs
Saved avisynth script:
LoadPlugin("C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffms2.dll")
FFVideoSource("G:\003\temp\test-007.mkv", threads=1)
to: G:\003\temp\test-007.avs
FFmpeg extractor call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "G:\003\temp\test-001.mkv" -vcodec copy -an -sn -vsync 0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb "G:\003\temp\test-001.264"
ffmpegFinished: 0, status 0
video extraction finished,..
FFmpeg extractor call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "G:\003\temp\test-004.mkv" -vcodec copy -an -sn -vsync 0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb "G:\003\temp\test-004.264"
ffmpegFinished: 0, status 0
video extraction finished,..
FFmpeg extractor call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "G:\003\temp\test-006.mkv" -vcodec copy -an -sn -vsync 0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb "G:\003\temp\test-006.264"
ffmpegFinished: 0, status 0
video extraction finished,..
Analyzing G:\003\temp\test-001.264 with h264_parse,..
h264_parse finished(-1, 0).
reference frames: 16
b-frames: 2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
reference frames: 16
b-frames: 2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
weigthed p-frames: 1
weigthed b-frames: 2
qpMin: -4
chroma offset: -2
h264_parse finished analysing the input,..
Detected settings:
AVCProfileLevel: High@L4.1
x264Settings: --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60
SPS: 0
FPS: 23.976
creating x264 reencode call for: G:\003\temp\test-002.avs
-> x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-002_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-002.avs"
creating x264 reencode call for: G:\003\temp\test-003.avs
-> x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-003_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-003.avs"
creating x264 reencode call for: G:\003\temp\test-005.avs
-> x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-005_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-005.avs"
creating x264 reencode call for: G:\003\temp\test-007.avs
-> x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-007_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-007.avs"
encoding next file,... (4 left)
x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-002_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-002.avs"
avs [info]: 720x540p 0:0 @ 24000/1001 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX
x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
[0.5%] 1/215 frames, 1.31 fps, 6936.55 kb/s, eta 0:02:43
[6.5%] 14/215 frames, 13.73 fps, 1437.29 kb/s, eta 0:00:14
[9.8%] 21/215 frames, 16.50 fps, 1318.28 kb/s, eta 0:00:11
[14.0%] 30/215 frames, 18.16 fps, 1245.10 kb/s, eta 0:00:10
[16.7%] 36/215 frames, 17.85 fps, 1247.01 kb/s, eta 0:00:10
[19.5%] 42/215 frames, 17.86 fps, 1255.81 kb/s, eta 0:00:09
[23.7%] 51/215 frames, 19.07 fps, 1280.21 kb/s, eta 0:00:08
[27.0%] 58/215 frames, 19.71 fps, 1241.17 kb/s, eta 0:00:07
[32.1%] 69/215 frames, 20.57 fps, 1225.71 kb/s, eta 0:00:07
[37.2%] 80/215 frames, 22.15 fps, 1110.48 kb/s, eta 0:00:06
[40.0%] 86/215 frames, 22.19 fps, 1103.53 kb/s, eta 0:00:05
[44.7%] 96/215 frames, 22.60 fps, 1056.20 kb/s, eta 0:00:05
[47.9%] 103/215 frames, 22.77 fps, 1041.82 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[51.2%] 110/215 frames, 23.02 fps, 1019.02 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[55.8%] 120/215 frames, 23.19 fps, 995.80 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[59.5%] 128/215 frames, 23.58 fps, 970.94 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[63.3%] 136/215 frames, 23.95 fps, 955.11 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[67.4%] 145/215 frames, 24.45 fps, 934.63 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[73.0%] 157/215 frames, 24.81 fps, 907.02 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[76.3%] 164/215 frames, 24.86 fps, 900.51 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[80.9%] 174/215 frames, 25.39 fps, 893.43 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[84.2%] 181/215 frames, 25.23 fps, 885.56 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[89.3%] 192/215 frames, 25.61 fps, 869.28 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
[92.6%] 199/215 frames, 25.41 fps, 861.28 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
[97.7%] 210/215 frames, 25.88 fps, 841.42 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
x264 [info]: frame I:1 Avg QP:17.78 size: 36164
x264 [info]: frame P:42 Avg QP:16.82 size: 12928
x264 [info]: frame B:172 Avg QP:23.36 size: 2062
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 1.4% 0.9% 0.0% 16.7% 14.0% 67.0%
x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 15.1% 61.2% 23.7%
x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 4.1% 6.3% 0.7% P16..4: 43.9% 14.9% 12.3% 0.4% 0.1% skip:17.4%
x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 0.2% 0.2% 0.0% B16..8: 33.1% 6.2% 0.8% direct: 1.1% skip:58.4% L0:52.0% L1:43.5% BI: 4.4%
x264 [info]: 8x8 transform intra:57.6% inter:42.8%
x264 [info]: direct mvs spatial:98.3% temporal:1.7%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 19.7% 63.9% 37.1% inter: 7.4% 19.9% 6.1%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 59% 24% 11% 6%
x264 [info]: i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 8% 8% 62% 3% 4% 4% 4% 3% 5%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 10% 24% 24% 5% 8% 5% 10% 5% 10%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 51% 27% 16% 5%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.0% UV:0.0%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 39.4% 5.3% 12.7% 8.6% 5.3% 6.3% 3.7% 3.1% 2.0% 2.8% 1.9% 2.3% 1.6% 2.0% 1.7% 1.3%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 54.3% 19.5% 4.7% 5.6% 2.6% 4.0% 2.0% 1.5% 0.9% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.7% 0.6% 0.8%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 95.0% 5.0%
x264 [info]: kb/s:833.11
encoded 215 frames, 25.95 fps, 833.11 kb/s
x264 encoding finished,..
encoding next file,... (3 left)
x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-003_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-003.avs"
avs [info]: 720x540p 0:0 @ 24000/1001 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX
x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
[0.7%] 1/143 frames, 1.14 fps, 10030.23 kb/s, eta 0:02:04
[5.6%] 8/143 frames, 6.84 fps, 2868.37 kb/s, eta 0:00:19
[13.3%] 19/143 frames, 13.35 fps, 1711.02 kb/s, eta 0:00:09
[18.2%] 26/143 frames, 13.84 fps, 1662.90 kb/s, eta 0:00:08
[22.4%] 32/143 frames, 14.89 fps, 1532.93 kb/s, eta 0:00:07
[26.6%] 38/143 frames, 15.76 fps, 1466.99 kb/s, eta 0:00:06
[30.8%] 44/143 frames, 16.08 fps, 1394.38 kb/s, eta 0:00:06
[35.0%] 50/143 frames, 16.64 fps, 1342.22 kb/s, eta 0:00:05
[39.9%] 57/143 frames, 16.81 fps, 1337.78 kb/s, eta 0:00:05
[44.1%] 63/143 frames, 16.80 fps, 1314.48 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[48.3%] 69/143 frames, 17.03 fps, 1307.80 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[52.4%] 75/143 frames, 17.30 fps, 1275.64 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[58.7%] 84/143 frames, 17.92 fps, 1247.74 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[62.9%] 90/143 frames, 18.11 fps, 1234.42 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[69.2%] 99/143 frames, 18.85 fps, 1210.52 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[73.4%] 105/143 frames, 18.88 fps, 1230.96 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[77.6%] 111/143 frames, 18.83 fps, 1218.22 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[81.8%] 117/143 frames, 18.69 fps, 1205.83 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[88.1%] 126/143 frames, 19.03 fps, 1193.60 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
[92.3%] 132/143 frames, 19.06 fps, 1176.30 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
[97.9%] 140/143 frames, 19.44 fps, 1152.92 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
x264 [info]: frame I:1 Avg QP:17.40 size: 52293
x264 [info]: frame P:28 Avg QP:18.16 size: 17752
x264 [info]: frame B:114 Avg QP:23.42 size: 2667
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 1.4% 1.4% 0.0% 14.0% 24.5% 58.7%
x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 8.1% 69.5% 22.4%
x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 3.1% 4.3% 0.3% P16..4: 61.7% 19.2% 9.2% 0.2% 0.0% skip: 2.1%
x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% B16..8: 36.4% 5.7% 0.9% direct: 3.8% skip:53.0% L0:45.5% L1:41.8% BI:12.7%
x264 [info]: 8x8 transform intra:59.1% inter:68.2%
x264 [info]: direct mvs spatial:97.4% temporal:2.6%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 41.4% 94.1% 61.6% inter: 13.4% 30.0% 7.6%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 24% 24% 25% 27%
x264 [info]: i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 7% 9% 28% 8% 7% 7% 9% 9% 15%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 12% 9% 14% 10% 9% 8% 9% 11% 18%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 57% 21% 13% 9%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:14.3% UV:0.0%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 31.2% 5.9% 15.0% 6.1% 7.9% 6.1% 5.7% 2.6% 3.0% 2.9% 3.4% 2.5% 2.2% 2.3% 2.1% 1.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 79.0% 8.2% 3.2% 2.5% 1.4% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.3%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 97.9% 2.1%
x264 [info]: kb/s:1144.72
encoded 143 frames, 19.68 fps, 1144.72 kb/s
x264 encoding finished,..
encoding next file,... (2 left)
x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-005_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-005.avs"
avs [info]: 720x540p 0:0 @ 24000/1001 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX
x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
[0.6%] 1/178 frames, 1.43 fps, 1993.27 kb/s, eta 0:02:04
[7.3%] 13/178 frames, 13.17 fps, 582.76 kb/s, eta 0:00:12
[12.9%] 23/178 frames, 18.36 fps, 540.29 kb/s, eta 0:00:08
[18.0%] 32/178 frames, 20.90 fps, 505.88 kb/s, eta 0:00:06
[22.5%] 40/178 frames, 21.54 fps, 493.74 kb/s, eta 0:00:06
[27.0%] 48/178 frames, 22.21 fps, 485.57 kb/s, eta 0:00:05
[31.5%] 56/178 frames, 23.20 fps, 470.96 kb/s, eta 0:00:05
[34.8%] 62/178 frames, 23.26 fps, 470.23 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[38.8%] 69/178 frames, 23.33 fps, 473.47 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[44.4%] 79/178 frames, 23.73 fps, 480.23 kb/s, eta 0:00:04
[47.8%] 85/178 frames, 23.75 fps, 481.86 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[51.1%] 91/178 frames, 23.74 fps, 485.29 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[55.6%] 99/178 frames, 24.05 fps, 501.43 kb/s, eta 0:00:03
[60.1%] 107/178 frames, 23.91 fps, 525.50 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[65.2%] 116/178 frames, 23.75 fps, 557.29 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[68.5%] 122/178 frames, 23.52 fps, 573.93 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[71.9%] 128/178 frames, 23.23 fps, 592.96 kb/s, eta 0:00:02
[75.3%] 134/178 frames, 22.94 fps, 616.44 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[78.7%] 140/178 frames, 22.74 fps, 634.45 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[82.0%] 146/178 frames, 22.69 fps, 641.70 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[85.4%] 152/178 frames, 22.61 fps, 640.74 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[88.8%] 158/178 frames, 22.63 fps, 636.25 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
[92.7%] 165/178 frames, 22.77 fps, 629.44 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
[98.9%] 176/178 frames, 23.30 fps, 608.00 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
x264 [info]: frame I:1 Avg QP:17.67 size: 10392
x264 [info]: frame P:38 Avg QP:17.53 size: 7897
x264 [info]: frame B:139 Avg QP:20.51 size: 1793
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 1.7% 2.2% 6.7% 15.7% 19.7% 53.9%
x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 51.2% 48.8% 0.1%
x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 12.8% 18.9% 0.7% P16..4: 44.7% 7.6% 4.7% 0.1% 0.0% skip:10.4%
x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 0.9% 1.1% 0.0% B16..8: 34.8% 3.4% 0.4% direct: 3.5% skip:55.7% L0:48.9% L1:45.1% BI: 6.0%
x264 [info]: 8x8 transform intra:57.2% inter:70.4%
x264 [info]: direct mvs spatial:97.8% temporal:2.2%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 11.8% 60.0% 16.5% inter: 4.4% 22.9% 1.5%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 38% 28% 14% 21%
x264 [info]: i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 9% 9% 59% 3% 4% 3% 4% 3% 4%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 27% 12% 25% 5% 8% 7% 7% 5% 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 36% 35% 24% 6%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:5.3% UV:0.0%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 51.2% 5.1% 20.8% 7.4% 5.7% 3.0% 2.4% 1.0% 0.9% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 73.4% 14.7% 5.5% 2.3% 1.4% 0.9% 0.6% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 96.3% 3.7%
x264 [info]: kb/s:603.04
encoded 178 frames, 23.51 fps, 603.04 kb/s
x264 encoding finished,..
encoding next file,... (1 left)
x264 call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\x264.exe" --profile high --level 41 --sps-id 0 --cabac --ref 16 --deblock 1:1 --partitions all --me umh --subme 9 --psy-rd 0.40:0.00 --merange 16 --trellis 2 --8x8dct --deadzone-inter 21 --deadzone-intra 11 --qblur -2 --bframes 5 --b-pyramid normal --b-adapt 2 --b-bias 0 --direct auto --weightp 2 --keyint 240 --min-keyint 23 --scenecut 40 --rc-lookahead 60 --ratetol 1.0 --qcomp 0.60 --qpmin 0 --qpmax 69 --qpstep 4 --cplxblur 20.0 --qblur 0.5 --vbv-maxrate 62500 --vbv-bufsize 78125 --nal-hrd none --ipratio 1.40 --aq-mode 1 --aq-strength 0.60 --chroma-qp-offset -2 --stitchable --non-deterministic --thread-input --crf 19 --demuxer avs --fps 24000/1001 -o "G:\003\temp\test-007_reencode.264" "G:\003\temp\test-007.avs"
avs [info]: 720x540p 0:0 @ 24000/1001 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX
x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
[2.9%] 1/34 frames, 2.07 fps, 12236.40 kb/s, eta 0:00:15
[41.2%] 14/34 frames, 17.88 fps, 2022.75 kb/s, eta 0:00:01
[76.5%] 26/34 frames, 23.57 fps, 1432.73 kb/s, eta 0:00:00
x264 [info]: frame I:1 Avg QP:16.62 size: 63795
x264 [info]: frame P:6 Avg QP:18.91 size: 16088
x264 [info]: frame B:27 Avg QP:23.97 size: 1781
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 2.9% 0.0% 8.8% 0.0% 0.0% 88.2%
x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 16.1% 32.2% 51.8%
x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 4.5% 3.2% 0.3% P16..4: 46.3% 19.0% 12.6% 0.8% 0.3% skip:13.0%
x264 [info]: mb B I16..4: 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% B16..8: 33.4% 5.7% 0.9% direct: 2.1% skip:57.8% L0:39.8% L1:36.2% BI:24.0%
x264 [info]: 8x8 transform intra:35.5% inter:46.3%
x264 [info]: direct mvs spatial:88.9% temporal:11.1%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 46.0% 82.4% 65.2% inter: 9.0% 17.4% 6.2%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 66% 17% 13% 4%
x264 [info]: i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 11% 11% 37% 6% 7% 5% 8% 6% 9%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 15% 12% 14% 10% 11% 8% 10% 9% 11%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 54% 22% 17% 7%
x264 [info]: Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.0% UV:0.0%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 54.6% 11.6% 18.4% 6.2% 3.6% 2.6% 1.6% 0.8% 0.3% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1%
x264 [info]: ref B L0: 89.9% 6.6% 1.9% 0.7% 0.5% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
x264 [info]: ref B L1: 98.1% 1.9%
x264 [info]: kb/s:1175.73
encoded 34 frames, 28.33 fps, 1175.73 kb/s
x264 encoding finished,..
Finished all the video reencoding,...
Calling audio cutter,..
Saving options:
to: G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut_mkvOptions.txt
Saved G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut_mkvOptions.txt.
Audio split call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\mkvmerge.exe" @"G:\003\temp\TEST_A~1.TXT"
MkvMerge output: mkvmerge v12.0.0 ('Trust / Lust') 32bit
MkvMerge output: 'G:\003\003.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'.
MkvMerge output: 'G:\003\003.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'.
MkvMerge output: Progress: 0%
MkvMerge output: The file 'G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut.mkv' has been opened for writing.
-> new temp file: G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut.mkv
MkvMerge output: Progress: 84%
MkvMerge output: The cue entries (the index) are being written...
MkvMerge output: Progress: 100%
MkvMerge output: Multiplexing took 1 second.
deleted G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut_mkvOptions.txt
audio splitter created the following files:
1: G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut.mkv
mkvAudioCut finished,..
Mkv subtitle extractor call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\mkvextract.exe" tracks "G:\003\003.mkv" 2:"G:\003\temp\003_track_2.ass"
tempFolder: G:\003\temp
output name: G:\003\temp\003_track_2_cut.ass
cutting ass subtitle
Finished cutting G:\003\temp\003_track_2.ass, output: G:\003\temp\003_track_2_cut.ass
mkvSubtitleCutterFinished, output:
video file count: 7
video files:
audio file count: 1
audio files:
subtitle file count: 1
subtitle files:
Muxing audio&video(2),..
Saved mkvoptions file: G:\003\temp\test-001_mkvOptions.txt
MKVmerge call: "C:\Users\User\Downloads\_Tools\_DVD Encode\MkvCutter\mkvmerge.exe" @"G:\003\temp\test-001_mkvOptions.txt"
MkvMerge finished
deleted G:\003\temp\test-001_mkvOptions.txt
mkvMerge finished,..
deleting split list elements,...
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-001.mkv
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-002.mkv
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-003.mkv
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-004.mkv
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-005.mkv
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-006.mkv
deleting video split file: G:\003\temp\test-007.mkv
deleting reencoded and extracted elements,...
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-001.264
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-004.264
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-006.264
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-002_reencode.264
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-003_reencode.264
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-005_reencode.264
deleting video file: G:\003\temp\test-007_reencode.264
deleting audio file: G:\003\temp\test_AudioCut.mkv
deleting subtitle file: G:\003\temp\003_track_2.ass
deleting cut-subtitle file: G:\003\temp\003_track_2_cut.ass
Deleting G:\003\003.avs,..