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Forum - rules
Welcome to the Selur's Little Messageboard. In order for your stay here to be as pleasant and constructive as possible, please read through all of these rules before posting.
  1. Keep the focus: Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved, locked or simply be deleted. Don't derail threads.
  2. Be nice to each other and respect the moderators. Insults aimed at other forum users will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member, talk to a moderator. If you have a problem with a moderator, talk to the administrator. Even if someone else is disobeying this rule, this doesn't justify you doing it too; simply report them and walk away from the discussion.
  3. Do not spam. No blatant advertising.
  4. No warez, cracks, serials, etc. Don't ask for help acquiring illegal content.
    This rule is a bit subtle so I'll explain it further. For example, in the US, it is illegal to have marijuana. It's also a quite gray area to tell someone where to get marijuana. But it's certainly not illegal to discuss the effects of marijuana, or even the best way to smoke marijuana.

    Example of something that is fine: "Here's the encoder settings used in this Scene release. Would you consider them good?"
    Example of something that is fine: "Here's an .mkv file that I downloaded. I'm having trouble playing it, what should I do?"
    Example of something that is bad: "Where can I download a 1080p version of The Dark Knight?"

    In short, what is banned are discussions about processes that are illegal in the country this board is hosted (Germany). For example, asking for help ripping a DVD to give copies to your friends would also be considered bad. Note that this does not cover situations like the DMCA that contradict other existing laws. I personnaly agree with Doom9's and others position that ripping a DVD or Blu-ray for personal use counts as Fair Use, regardless of copy protection. But since it's illegal in Germany please don't post anything about howToRip a DVD/Blu-ray and similiar.
  5. Keep the size of signatures, avatars, and so forth down. Don't post with overly obnoxious formatting, such as all text in a non-standard color, large sizes, etc. Use your best judgement.
  6. No cross posting. Post your message once, to the appropriate forum and nowhere else.
  7. Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention.
  8. Don't post just to increase your number of posts. If you have nothing to say on a certain matter then don't post. The number of posts on this board has no direct relation to the experience of a member.
  9. How NOT to post on this forum:
    • 5 minutes after your initial post you reply to your own post writing something like "Why is nobody helping me? I'm sure you know the answer". It may be hours or days before someone who knows the answer responds; give them time.
    • Do not ask "what's best" because this question cannot be answered objectively. Each and everyone has their own view about what's best in a certain area. The best is what works best for you!
  10. Multiple registrations are prohibited. No "alt accounts".
  11. Instructions by the moderator team are to be followed. If you disagree with them and the moderator isn't helping, talk to the administrator.
  12. No backseat moderation. If you think a post violates the rules, report it to the moderators.
  13. All interpretations of the rules by the administrator are final. This doesn't mean you can't discuss them; it just means that you shouldn't expect them to be changed.
  14. Moderator rules:
    1. Moderators should err on the side of caution. It is better to not lock a thread or delete a post whenever possible.
    2. Final warnings/bans should be reserved for people who consistently violate the rules. Isolated infractions don't justify bans.
    3. Moderators cannot use their moderator status in any discussion in which they are involved. If a moderator is needed in such a case, another moderator or the administrator must step in.