26.03.2019, 23:25
I'm trying to downres 4k footage to 1080 ProRes 444. If you could point me to another way to do this easily without Hybrid, or that stupid Sony program that requires me to register an account with Sony Creative Cloud or whatever it's called, that would be very much appreciated, but so far this is the only option I've found. (besides Thomas Worth from rarevision's app, for which the mediafire link is broken unfortunately)
The source file, and therefore the path to the source, is on an SD card, if that makes a difference. (I have no room for the 4k files on my laptop).
I'm not so concerned about whether or not the final product is truly 4:4:4, but Hybrid crashes immediately after starting the queue so I am roadblocked before I have even started.
I was hoping to simply downscale the 8 bit 4:2:0 internal footage from my Panasonic camera to a more flexible format for color grading. (BlackMagic cameras are amazing but they don't have IBIS like mine, and the GH5 is just plain expensive) This was the feature that I got Hybrid for in the first place (I have no idea what "ffmpeg" is or how it works standalone and I have little time for learning such things) and yet I can't figure why it immediately aborts the process whenever I start the queue. Keeps saying "Aborted" "ERROR" and "(my_output_path_here) was not created!" I imagine that there's something very basic that I'm missing, but there's not exactly a startup guide, at least not that I could find (although the help-tips that appear when one hovers the mouse over various buttons are very pleasing indeed)
I would like to state that I have very much appreciation for independent developers of tools such as this one, and respect as well, but it is frustrating for me that the only method I've found for a non tech-savvy person to downscale 4:2:0 footage into 4:4:4 (or 4:4:2) that isn't a dead-end is this tool, and it doesn't even begin to process the file.
If anyone has the time, help would be appreciated.
Debug output is attached.
Thank you for your time.
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The call Hybrid usesd to reencode the file is:
"/private/var/folders/_y/yd4lc6vs7nq9v8drv6nfv6b00000gn/T/AppTranslocation/036BD388-CD54-4747-A9F1-6E9AEA337FF8/d/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -i "/Volumes/CANON/DCIM/102_PANA/P1020763.MP4" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf -filter_complex "extractplanes=y+u+v[y][u][v]; [u] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [us]; [v] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [vs];[y][us][vs]mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv444p,format=pix_fmts=yuv444p10le,scale=w=1920:h=1080:flags=bicubic+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int" -sws_dither none,scale=out_range=pc -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -strict -1 -vsync 0 -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vtag ap4h -f mov "/Users/user/Desktop/P1020763_13_30_53_0510_01.mov"
What happens if you call this call inside a Terminal?
Assuming we can find what's causing the problem with the call and adjusting it to also keep the audio would be simply changing ' -an ' to ' -c:a copy '.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
(27.03.2019, 06:12)Selur Wrote: "/private/var/folders/_y/yd4lc6vs7nq9v8drv6nfv6b00000gn/T/AppTranslocation/036BD388-CD54-4747-A9F1-6E9AEA337FF8/d/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -i "/Volumes/CANON/DCIM/102_PANA/P1020763.MP4" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf -filter_complex "extractplanes=y+u+v[y][u][v]; [u] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [us]; [v] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [vs];[y][us][vs]mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv444p,format=pix_fmts=yuv444p10le,scale=w=1920:h=1080:flags=bicubic+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int" -sws_dither none,scale=out_range=pc -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -strict -1 -vsync 0 -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vtag ap4h -f mov "/Users/user/Desktop/P1020763_13_30_53_0510_01.mov"
>What happens if you call this call inside a Terminal?
It returns
"/private/var/folders/_y/yd4lc6vs7nq9v8drv6nfv6b00000gn/T/AppTranslocation/036BD388-CD54-4747-A9F1-6E9AEA337FF8/d/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg: No such file or directory"
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-> moving the whole Hybrid.app folder out of the 'virtual' folder to a normal file folder will probably fix the issue.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
The issue persists in the same manner, although I moved Hybrid to the Applications folder.
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Okay, call changed to:
"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -i "/Volumes/CANON/DCIM/102_PANA/P1020699.MP4" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf -filter_complex "extractplanes=y+u+v[y][u][v]; [u] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [us]; [v] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [vs];[y][us][vs]mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv444p,format=pix_fmts=yuv444p10le,scale=w=1920:h=1080:flags=bicubic+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int" -sws_dither none,scale=out_range=pc -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -strict -1 -vsync 0 -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vtag ap4h -f mov "/Users/user/Desktop/P1020699_21_41_13_3910_01.mov"
what happens if you call that call in a Terminal?
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
(27.03.2019, 06:46)Selur Wrote: Okay, call changed to:
"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -i "/Volumes/CANON/DCIM/102_PANA/P1020699.MP4" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf -filter_complex "extractplanes=y+u+v[y][u][v]; [u] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [us]; [v] scale=w=3840:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [vs];[y][us][vs]mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv444p,format=pix_fmts=yuv444p10le,scale=w=1920:h=1080:flags=bicubic+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int" -sws_dither none,scale=out_range=pc -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -strict -1 -vsync 0 -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vtag ap4h -f mov "/Users/user/Desktop/P1020699_21_41_13_3910_01.mov"
what happens if you call that call in a Terminal?
First few times it did nothing. Then Terminal (ffpmeg I'm assuming) finally responded with this:
[swscaler @ 0x7ff9cf806c00] [Eval @ 0x7ffee1670d70] Invalid chars ',scale=out_range=pc' at the end of expression 'none,scale=out_range=pc'
[swscaler @ 0x7ff9cf806c00] Unable to parse option value "none,scale=out_range=pc"
Error setting option sws_dither.
Error parsing option 'sws_dither' with argument 'none,scale=out_range=pc'.
Error splitting the argument list: Invalid argument
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It's a bug.  (which is still in the current release of Hybrid, sadly I don't own a Mac any more so this won't be fixed in Hybrid for Mac any time soon)
"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 8 -i "/Volumes/CANON/DCIM/102_PANA/P1020699.MP4" -c:a copy -sn -filter_complex "extractplanes=y+u+v[y][u][v]; [u] scale=w=4096:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [us]; [v] scale=w=4096:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [vs];[y][us][vs]mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv444p,format=pix_fmts=yuv444p10le,scale=w=1920:h=1014:flags=bicubic+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int,zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv" -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -strict -1 -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vtag ap4h -f mov "/Users/user/Desktop/P1020699_21_41_13_3910_01.mov"
should work, do the resize&reencod and copy the audio.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Yeah, I figured as much, but I thought I might as well give the newest version a try anyways. Thanks for working on it as long as you did. I'm running High Sierra, if that matters.
Your command gives me this:
[Parsed_mergeplanes_3 @ 0x7fd4f86357c0] input #1 link in1 SAR 15:16 does not match output link default SAR 1:1
[Parsed_mergeplanes_3 @ 0x7fd4f86357c0] Failed to configure output pad on Parsed_mergeplanes_3
Error reinitializing filters!
Failed to inject frame into filter network: Invalid argument
Error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0
Conversion failed!
I thought it might be the dimensions being different (4096 instead of 3840) so I tried it with regular UHD to fullHD 16:9 and it gave me
Unrecognized option 'sn '.
I realized there was an extra space after 'sn', not sure if it was supposed to be there or not but I removed it, put it into Terminal, and it finally went through the process. But at the end it said:
Filter zscale has an unconnected output
and exported a 0KB unopenable .mov file to my desktop. (Quicktime says the file cannot be opened.)
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Joined: May 2017
27.03.2019, 18:51
(This post was last modified: 27.03.2019, 18:52 by Selur.)
How does:
"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 8 -i "/Volumes/CANON/DCIM/102_PANA/P1020699.MP4" -map 0:0 -c:a copy -sn -filter_complex "extractplanes=y+u+v[y][u][v]; [u] scale=w=4096:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [us]; [v] scale=w=4096:h=2160:in_range=full:flags=neighbor+bitexact [vs];[y][us][vs]mergeplanes=0x001020:yuv444p,format=pix_fmts=yuv444p10le,scale=w=1920:h=1014:flags=bicubic+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int,zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv" -sws_dither none -pix_fmt yuv444p10le -strict -1 -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -vtag ap4h -f mov "/Users/user/Desktop/P1020699_21_41_13_3910_01.mov"
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.