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[HELP] after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Printable Version

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RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 09.07.2021

already check on the two options:

Prefer VsFilterMod
Always use Vapoursynth

you said when you encoded done, you got the good result, is the same like MKV with ASS? why you don't have the subtitle renderer issues?

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 09.07.2021

MPC-HC is not playing the reencode, but the original file you shared with me, reencode looks different depending on the renderer (= same as the preview).
They all look different. Smile

This is how it looks to me:
[Image: subtitle-placement.png]

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 09.07.2021

Here's another comparison using all the ass-renderes for Vapoursynth I know:
[Image: Subtitle-Renderer.png]
tag pic

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 09.07.2021

the position of the two below seem right, but their fonts are not right.

on top of the two, fonts effects are good, but position are not good.

is there a way to keep the position of the two below, and using fonts rendering effects of the top two?

and i using shanaEncoder to preview, is like this, so how to solve, make encode like as potplayer.

[Image: RxHm4K.jpg]

finally i find a way to fix, convert ass to sup, then encode sup with mkv, export to MP4, done. the effect and position are right, you can have a try to see and research.

but why encode ASS directly can not? hope there is a way to solve.

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 09.07.2021

Lower left is 'vsfm.TextSubMod' which Hybrid uses when the 'Prefer VsFilterMod'  ( is enabled.
It should render the files correctly assuming the font names in the .ass file are correct and it finds the files.

Looking at the .ass file you provided, the styles used are '头文字D 电影' and 'engF' which correspond to:
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: 头文字D 电影,方正悠黑简体 508R,13.5,&H00FBFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00E8E8E8,&H05000000,-1,0,0,0,90,100,0,0,1,0,2,2,10,10,44,134
Style: EngF,Arial Unicode MS,12.5,&H00FBFFFF,&H00FFFFFF,&H00E8E8E8,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,90,110,0,0,1,0,2,2,5,5,13,134
so then I looked at the tff files and what the proper font names were and adjusted the file names accordingly and copied the new files to into my Windows/Fonts-folder:
'English fonts - Arial Unicode MS.ttf' -> 'Arial Unicode MS.ttf'
'Chinese fonts - FZYouHJW_508R.ttf' -> 'FZYouHeiS 508R.ttf'
copied into my Windows/Fonts-folder.
Additionally I adjusted the font name in the .ass file from '方正悠黑简体 508R' to 'FZYouHeiS 508R' and got:
[Image: with-proper-names.png]

So all in all if you had not messed up:
a. the file names
b. the font name in the .ass
using 'Prefer VsFilterMod' would have worked. (Like it does here once I named the files and fonts properly.)

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 09.07.2021

so i have to rename '方正悠黑简体 508R' in ASS to 'FZYouHeiS 508R', is it true? but in aegisub, the font displays '方正悠黑简体 508R' to choose.

in your pic, the best render effect is the lower right, watch carefully, the question mark at the end is look little better than the lower left. a little more smooth.

how to encode like your lower right effect? my potplayer play can not achieve this smooth.

[Image: with-proper-names.png]

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 09.07.2021

The name must be the same as the font name.
I checked the font name using IrfanView, but you can also copy the ttf into your Windows\Fonts folder, den double click on the font to see the font name. The font name is what needs to be used.
No clue what Aegisub does, but at least here '方正悠黑简体 508R' isn't the name of the font, but it might work with that name on your system.

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 09.07.2021

OK, so how to encode like your lower right effect? Even my potplayer plays can not achieve this smooth.

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 09.07.2021

If you want the effect of the lower right you have to manually adjust the Vapoursynth script using the custom option, since Hybrid does not support the xy-VSFilter renderer.
You wound need to download the dll, extract it and use something like
clip = core.xyvsf.TextSub(clip=clip, file="C:/Users/Selur/Desktop/DropMeFiles_L9QtO/clip.ass")
in a custom code section.

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 09.07.2021

oh no, i don't know how to do that, especially about code.

the effect of the lower right is so good, watch english carefully, almost every letter's edge is better, more smooth than any others.

to get this effect, does it need to add this to custom section everytime when encoding?

clip = core.xyvsf.TextSub(clip=clip, file="C:/Users/Selur/Desktop/DropMeFiles_L9QtO/clip.ass")

is there a way to make my potplayer to display the same effect? could you find more easy way to make Hybrid to use this? if hybrid can encode like this, it will be best.