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Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Printable Version

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RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

Commited the changes to fix sagnom and vcmod.
Haven't figured out how to fix vslsmashsource yet,.. :/

Cu Selur

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

Seems like this is/was a known issue, see:
Sadly I have no clue how to fix this.

Cu Selur

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

Okay, vslsmashsource requires "FFmpeg --branch release/4.4"
So chaning
git clone --depth 1 --branch release/4.4
and running the script again should help. (this will checkout and build FFmpeg and then the plugins script can use new ffmpeg libraries)

Cu Selur

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - sunarowicz - 17.04.2021

Hmm, maybe because of this patch:

Some more info linked at the bottom of this page:

Sorry not to helping much, but I am much more noobish when it comes to building stuff than you for sure... Sad

But seems you are already heading towards fixing it. I keep fingers crossed!

(17.04.2021, 15:52)Selur Wrote: Okay, vslsmashsource  requires "FFmpeg --branch release/4.4"
So chaning
git clone --depth 1 --branch release/4.4
and running the script again should help. (this will checkout and build FFmpeg and then the plugins script can use new ffmpeg libraries)

Cu Selur

Great, thank you! I'am going to test it. Will let you know.

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

I'll test if it works if I adjust the line, deleted the opt/vapoursynth folder, rebuild vapoursynth and then the plugins,..
(deleting everything is probably overkill, but I'm to lazy to read through the script to figure out what is the minimum that needs to be delete)
-> will report back

Cu Selur

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

yup, that works. vslsmashsource and all the other plugins build fine here.
-> adjusted accordingly.

Cu Selur

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - sunarowicz - 17.04.2021

(17.04.2021, 16:13)Selur Wrote: yup, that works. vslsmashsource and all the other plugins build fine here.
-> adjusted accordingly.

Cu Selur
Great job, Selur! All plugins were built. Thank you man!

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - sunarowicz - 17.04.2021

I tested all the Vapoursynth deinterlace filters. The result is a mixed bag.

Firstly I had to symlink to as the scripts are including the first one. After that both the Yadifmod (Vapoursynth) and TDeintMod (Vapoursynth) works, but not the others.

Bwdif (Vapoursynth) miss the plugin. This one is missing even in all the old plugin builds I still keep, so it surprises me that it is still required in scripts.

But what concerns me much more is failure of the QTGMC (Vapoursynth) and VIVTC (Vapoursynth) scripts. Both do fail from the same following reason:
Failed to evaluate the script:
Python exception: There is no attribute or namespace named misc

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/cython/vapoursynth.pyx", line 2242, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
  File "src/cython/vapoursynth.pyx", line 2243, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
  File "/tmp/tempPreviewVapoursynthFile18_15_06_268.vpy", line 35, in <module>
    clip2clip = havsfunc.QTGMC(Input=clip2clip, Preset="fast", TFF=False,FPSDivisor=2)
  File "/opt/hybrid/vsscripts/", line 1196, in QTGMC
    if TR0 > 0: ts1 = AverageFrames(bobbed, weights=[1] * 3, scenechange=28 / 255, planes=CMplanes) # 0.00  0.33  0.33  0.33  0.00
  File "/opt/hybrid/vsscripts/", line 5381, in AverageFrames
    clip = SCDetect(clip, threshold=scenechange)
  File "/opt/hybrid/vsscripts/", line 5695, in SCDetect
    sc = sc.misc.SCDetect(threshold=threshold)
  File "src/cython/vapoursynth.pyx", line 1441, in vapoursynth.VideoNode.__getattr__
AttributeError: There is no attribute or namespace named misc

Would you be able to sort it out please?

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

Quote:Would you be able to sort it out please?
From the looks of it one of the core filters are missing,...
Can't reproduce this here, since I have no clue what you are doing,... (read the sticky)

Quote:Bwdif (Vapoursynth) miss the plugin.
Totally forgot to add that to the build script when I added support for it.
+ a typo it should be from

Cu Selur

RE: Install Hybrid on Ubuntu 18.04 VNC - Selur - 17.04.2021

added build instructions for bwdif to

Checked "~/opt/vapoursynth/lib/vapoursynth" and it does include the base filters of Vapoursynth. (here
-> I'll look into it tomorrow. (going to bed now)
It's probably easy to fix, my guess is that the generated scripts just need additional

Cu Selur