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[HELP] after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Printable Version

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RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 09.07.2021

Quote:if not add to the queue, you mean here keeps empty?
Yes, you don't need to configure the subtitles anywhere in Hybrid aside from the custom section.

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 09.07.2021

good, done, this time works. thank you.

(09.07.2021, 22:32)ssdde Wrote: good, done, this time works. thank you.

is it possible that when ass convert to sup also use xy-VSFilter?

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 10.07.2021

(09.07.2021, 22:32)ssdde Wrote: good, done, this time works. thank you.

(09.07.2021, 22:32)ssdde Wrote: good, done, this time works. thank you.

is it possible that when ass convert to sup also use xy-VSFilter?

a new problem: after encoded full movie, it's very very lag when playing the encoded MP4, the 24fps movie seems only 12fps. don't know why, how to solve? but the good news is subtitles in picture are right.

[Image: RzaYwt.jpg]

and before encoding, i have turn off any deinterlace settings.

[Image: RzaRYT.jpg]

it's strange, using clip.mkv to encoding, it's good now, and clip.mkv is a small part of full movie mkv, encoding the full movie with full ass file, the encoded MP4 is very lag.

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 10.07.2021

1st screenshot is from some unknown tool which reports some infos fo LAV Video Decoder, no clue what to do with that.
2nd screenshot shows that you disabled the automatic interlace/telecine handling. No clue why, since source is progressive, Hybrid would not deinterlace.
So I got no useful information,...
No clue what's happening, since you did not care to provide proper details.

You should read the sticky ([INFO] Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,.. follow the steps if you want/need help.

-> I would need a proper debug output which at least contains the analysis of the source and a the job processing, so that I know what you told Hybrid to do and what happened.
If you can share a short sample with which the problem is reproducible that would also help, but usually a debug output and details of what you did is enough.

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 10.07.2021

here is, by the way, the original MKV is with chapter information, how to make the encoded export mp4 file without any chapters, thanks.

wait, the debug file seems still modified, i'll send you later

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 10.07.2021

Quote:here is, by the way, the original MKV is with chapter information, how to make the encoded export mp4 file without any chapters, thanks.
Clear the entries in the Chapter-Queue (in the Chapter-tab).
Disabling "Chapter->Import chapter on input change" will tell Hybrid not to import the chapters from the source.

Quote:wait, the debug file seems still modified, i'll send you later
okay, so I'll ignore it,..

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 10.07.2021

since i forget to close the previous encoded MP4 file in Potplayer, cause encode fail, so i re-encode again.

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 10.07.2021

General side notes for improvement:
a. if your graphics card isn't too old and can decode the content you rencode setting 'Vapoursynth->Misc->Source->Libav hardware decoding mode' to a value > 0 (read sticky) might speed-up general processing
b. I would recommend to change the location of the temp folder, so one can easier have an eye on it.

Looking at the debug output:
- audio encoding call looks normal.
- Vapoursynth script seem okay
- video encoding looks okay (while I would never use 'ultrafast' )
- muxing call looks fine
-> don't see any reason why the output shouldn't play properly with a normal player. From the looks of it everything is properly flagged.
Vapoursynth doesn't remove or add frames and uses 'AssmueFPS' to make sure the output is reported as 24fps.
video encoding uses: --fps 24/1
muxing used: video:fps=24

Since you didn't include the analysis of the source in the debug output I assume the input also has 24fps so that should be correct.
-> have you tried another player like MPC-HC or VLC to be sure this isn't an issue with the player you are using?

Cu Selur

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - ssdde - 10.07.2021

i found the problem. i clear the entries in the Chapter-Queue, re-encode once, the FPS got normal. so it must be the chapter cause FPS drop half.

when encoding MP4 without chapters, the encoded MP4 file is OK now.

So here's the new problem, if i want to encode MP4 with chapters in future, how? since before encode MP4 with chapters the FPS will drop half.

Can i send you the original MKV with chapters for you to research? it's about 18GB, 20 chapters. you can have a try to see whether you get FPS drop.

RE: after encoding ass into mp4, but there is no subtitle at all - Selur - 10.07.2021

Video consist of 156784 frames (this is the frame count x264 reports at the end of the encoding), with a frame rate of 24fps that is 156784/24 seconds ~ 6533 seconds ~ 103min so 1:43hrs.
The chapter times also look fine:
CHAPTER01NAME=Chapter 01
CHAPTER02NAME=Chapter 02
CHAPTER03NAME=Chapter 03
CHAPTER04NAME=Chapter 04
CHAPTER05NAME=Chapter 05
CHAPTER06NAME=Chapter 06
CHAPTER07NAME=Chapter 07
CHAPTER08NAME=Chapter 08
CHAPTER09NAME=Chapter 09
CHAPTER10NAME=Chapter 10
CHAPTER11NAME=Chapter 11
CHAPTER12NAME=Chapter 12
CHAPTER13NAME=Chapter 13
CHAPTER14NAME=Chapter 14
CHAPTER15NAME=Chapter 15
CHAPTER16NAME=Chapter 16
CHAPTER17NAME=Chapter 17
CHAPTER18NAME=Chapter 18
CHAPTER19NAME=Chapter 19
CHAPTER20NAME=Chapter 20

Since I always encode to mp4 with chapters enabled, I doubt this is a general bug.
-> Have you tried another player, like I asked you to?

Cu Selur