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Multiple issues - Printable Version

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RE: Multiple issues - Selur - 09.12.2020

I packed the despotting script written by Didée (that was ported to Vapoursynth and used there as 'DeSpot') into a separate script and added it to Hybrids Avisynth filters as SpotRemover.
-> will send you a link to a dev version which supports it in a few minutes.

Cu Selur

RE: Multiple issues - serg - 09.12.2020

That's great. However after assigning SpotRemover, attempt to change custom filter order throws an error "Found no filter tab for "SpotRemover"
After that SpotRemover stops to work (until restart "Hybrid").

RE: Multiple issues - Selur - 09.12.2020

Try resetting the custom filter order. Smile
(didn't have time to write some code to auto-reset the filter order when new filters have been added)

Cu Selur

RE: Multiple issues - serg - 10.12.2020

Can't make use of "Avisynth" "DeSpot".
Whatever parameters/combinations I've tried on different videos - no effect.

RE: Multiple issues - Selur - 10.12.2020

At least here the filter is properly used.
Can't really do anything if the filter isn't effective with a specific source.
Quote:Whatever parameters/combinations I've tried on different videos - no effect.
Using something like:
should definitely show some effects. might help with configuring the filter.

Cu Selur

RE: Multiple issues - serg - 10.12.2020

(10.12.2020, 10:35)Selur Wrote: At least here the filter is properly used.
Can't really do anything if the filter isn't effective with a specific source.
Quote:Whatever parameters/combinations I've tried on different videos - no effect.
Using something like:
should definitely show some effects. might help with configuring the filter.

Cu Selur

Never mind, so far Didée's despot works for me.
What filter would you suggest to remove tiny vertical lines (you can see them in the both my sample videos)?
Whatever I've tried (including DeScratch) - no luck so far.

RE: Multiple issues - Selur - 10.12.2020

Of the currenctly supported filters in Hybrid your best bet is DeScratch.
Enable 'mark V'.
But my guess is that none of the filters will filter this out without destroying to much other details.
-> you probably would have to write a custom script (add custom additions to the script of Hybrid) to handle this.

As aside note: I thing SpotRemover is to aggressive for this source (looking at the stroller running down the stairs in the clip)

Cu Selur

Ps.: there are probably a few Avisnyth filters that might be suitable for this, but I rarely have to handle such content so I can't give any recommendations.
Pss.: the folks over at or might have some ideas. Smile

RE: Multiple issues - serg - 13.12.2020

DVD Input (Vapoursynth/Avisynth), Output:AVI (FFvHuff), Duration:1h 53min

Scenario 1: DVD input with Audio "auto add first" (that AC3) with checked "Audio Encoding OptionTongueCM"
Console shows warning:
"Couldn't adjust 2nd pass bitrate..
WARNING from client local, for job 2020-12-11@00_56_50_4810_02_recalc:
-> 2020-12-11@00_56_50_4810_02_recalc produced a warning: Couldn't adjust 2nd pass bitrate.."

After that encoded 9min 21s only (instead of 1hr 53min), finished without error, output contains AC3 audio (instead of expected PCM)
See ""

Scenario 2: DVD input with Audio "ignore", QTGMC de-interlace.
Successfully processed whole stream, however duration of processed video 1hr 36min.
See ""

Scenario 3: DVD input with Audio "ignore" or "passthrough all" , no filters.
Successfully processed whole streams, with correct duration of processed video 1hr 53min.

RE: Multiple issues - Selur - 13.12.2020

About scenario 1: Problem seems to be related to the chapter selection.
For the video encoding:
mencoder   -endpos 624.258 -ovc raw -noskip -vf scale,format=i420 -forcedsubsonly -nosub -nosound -lavdopts threads=8 -really-quiet  -ofps  30000/1001 -of rawvideo -o - -dvd-device "C:\BA\VIDEO_TS" dvd://1 | ffmpeg -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 8 -an -sn -r 30000/1001 -video_size 720x480 -f rawvideo -i - -r 30000/1001 -vcodec ffvhuff -coder 0 -context 0 "C:\BA\DVD_input_test_2020-12-11@00_56_50_4810_03.avi"
is used. (instead dvd chapter selection should have been used)
For the audio extraction:
mplayer -v -mc 0 -vc dummy -nocorrect-pts -noconsolecontrols -nocorrect-pts -vc null -vo null -nocache -hardframedrop -aid 128 dvd://1 -dvd-device "C:\BA\VIDEO_TS"  -dumpaudio -dumpfile "C:\BA\iId_6_aid_128_lang_en_2020-12-11@00_56_50_4810_01.mp2"
is used.
Another problem is that mplayer crashed during the audio extraction 'Core dumped Wink'
-> I'll look into it.

Scenario 2:
For some reason Hybrid used mencoder instead of Vapoursynth for the encoding.
I can't reproduce this here.
Does this also happen for you with the 2020.13.11.1 release?

Scenario 3: nothing to do here.

Cu Selur

Ps.: As a workaround: pack the source using MakeMKV into an mkv and convert that mkv with Hybrid.

RE: Multiple issues - Selur - 13.12.2020

Think I found the problem, will send you a link to a dev version for testing in a ~15min minutes.

Cu Selur