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Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - Printable Version

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Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - kingcrimsonster - 23.12.2017

When I press "avisynth preview", is opening a window with the size equal to the screen size my monitor. There is a poor-quality image zooming. I can not properly adjust the filters for sharpness, deblocker, noise etc.
This sample screen from "avisynth preview" window
[Image: 487aad595617ec6af9eae994baf9dd87.png]

This sample screen from file, that saved from avisynth preview window - "save image".
[Image: 706e1af3fe8305f74dbe926bfb22a21f.png]

Please set the zoom function in the preview window with option 1.00 zoom, similarly zoom function in the vapoursynth preview window. This is a very necessary function.

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - Selur - 23.12.2017

Hybrid only resizes the window:
a. to apply the aspect ratio so preview is 1:1
b. to make sure the preview isn't larger than the display size
for me the zoom is around 100%.
No clue why Hybrid would resize your preview without unnecessary without a debug output.
Quote:This is a very necessary function.
If it's really important for you: Don't use Hybrid.
This won't change any time soon, since I don't really plan on investing much time into avsViewer unless there something that I would call a serious bug.
But you are lucky avsViewer is open-source, so may be someone else will rewrite it and send me a patch.
One would basically have to rewrite the source code to use Avisynth for resizing, cache the input script and reload a modified version of it whenever the window is resized (or add a separate zoom option and not resize on window resizing).
Probably not to difficult to possibly a thing that would require a bunch of hours of work.

Cu Selur

Ps.: at my parents over Christmas with the whole family there so I'm not planning to spend much time on programming,...

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - Selur - 23.12.2017

That said I did a quick modification removing some code, see if that avsViewer version behaved better for you,... (replace the version inside the dynamic folder with it)

Cu Selur

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - kingcrimsonster - 23.12.2017

This is debug

Quote:that avsViewer version behaved better for you
With previous version avsViewer preview window did not completely fill my screen.
New version fill my screen with horizontal size. Accordingly, the scale was changed less than with the previous version and the scaling artifacts are smaller. The size of this file is 720 horizontally, the resolution of my monitor is 1280

I attached new debugoutput with new version avsviewer

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - Selur - 23.12.2017

Hybrid detects a desktop resolution of '1280x1024'
And a frame resolution of '720x480'*2 = 1440x480 (+ window frame and controls) so to display the whole thing on your display it resized the window to '1174x436'.
This is done to ensure that the controls of the window are accessible.
With 1280x1024 vs 1440x480 this might not be such a big issue, but if you want to edit a 8k video on your display you would only see a portion of the screen and couldn't access the window controls since the would lay outside of your display.
-> only other option would be that I adjust avsViewer that it would only show a portion of the frame and add scroll bars,..

Cu Selur

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - kingcrimsonster - 23.12.2017

Quote:only other option would be that I adjust avsViewer that it would only show a portion of the frame and add scroll bars

This is a great idea. Please do so.

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - Selur - 24.12.2017

Sad down and rewrote some parts of avsViewer, you can try the attached version. (enable 'scrolling' in the lower right corner for zoom 100%)

Cu Selur

RE: Zoom artifacts in avisynth preview window. - kingcrimsonster - 24.12.2017

Excellent working!
Very thank you, Selur!