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I got Hybrid stuck in an infinite loop, I think - Printable Version

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I got Hybrid stuck in an infinite loop, I think - otakukunsan - 23.12.2017

    Hi Selur,

Long story short, sometimes after jobs have been successfully completed I forget to remote in and check in on Hybrid. What I end up doing is moving the finished files to a different partition, deleting the source files, and I forget and let Hybrid idle too long.

In the previous version Hybrid would simply give me error messages about the missing files, usually once, sometimes twice, and then I could use Hybrid again. I always closed Hybrid out after the error messages, and then started Hybrid back up again, just to be safe. This usually worked, but every once in a while Hybrid would do strange things that I can't remember off the top of my head, but a system reboot solved those issues.

This time it's different, very different with the most recent version of Hybrid. After cycling through the error messages, I get a prompt, "FIX ME(3)..." telling me to notify you. So I click out of that window, and the error messages start cycling all over again. I've been through the error messages and the contact Selur window 4 times now, and I don't think it is going to stop looping on me. So before I use Task Manager to close Hybrid, I took a couple of screen captures for you. It was the best I could do because I can't access the tabs in the GUI to try and create any type of log file, so I couldn't think of anything else to help you out.


RE: I got Hybrid stuck in an infinite loop, I think - Selur - 24.12.2017

The 'FIX ME(3)', message comes from the interlaced checked and it's probably thrown since the input file doesn't exist any more. Smile

Trying to make heads and tails out of what you wrote:
1. you encode a bunch of files
2. you delete the sources
3. then you do something to get Hybrid to run into the problem,..
-> I'm not sure what you do once you deleted the files to trigger the problem Smile

Can you describe a bit more in detail what you do?
Do you trigger the job generation?

Ahh,.. I think problem might be that you not only deleted the file, but also the folder the source was in. (Error will occur once per file inside the queue where you did that, shouldn't look more than that,..)

Cu Selur

Ps.: btw. you might want to update your Hybrid version,..

RE: I got Hybrid stuck in an infinite loop, I think - Selur - 24.12.2017

Will send you a dev version which fixes the issue.
But you will need to update to the current version (2017.12.23.1) before you can extract the dev version into your Hybrid folder.

Cu Selur