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[HELP] how to rotate video without loss? - Printable Version

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how to rotate video without loss? - ssdde - 01.08.2021

rotate 90°, and keep quality without encoding.

RE: how to rotate video without loss? - Selur - 01.08.2021

Rotating a video without reencoding isn't supported in Hybrid.
If your output is mp4 or mov:
ffmpeg -i "path to input" -map_metadata 0 -metadata:s:v rotate="90" -codec copy "Path to output .mp4/.mpv"
allows to rotate a video by setting some meta data for the player, so that the player will rotate on playback.

Something similar can be done for mkv using mkvmerge and the projecttion options:
--projection-type TID:method     
Sets the video projection method used. Valid values are 0 (rectangular projection), 1 (equirectangular projection), 2 (cubemap projection) and 3 (mesh projection).

--projection-private TID:data     
Sets private data that only applies to a specific projection. Data must be given as hex numbers with or without the "0x" prefix, with or without spaces.

--projection-pose-yaw TID:float     
Specifies a yaw rotation to the projection.

--projection-pose-pitch TID:float     
Specifies a pitch rotation to the projection.

--projection-pose-roll TID:float
Specifies a roll rotation to the projection.

Cu Selur