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[HELP] Hybrid stuck processing - Printable Version

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Hybrid stuck processing - Miranda - 03.08.2023

I'm using Avisynth for sRestore as it's broken in Vapoursynth.

Hybrid has stopped processing at 0.05%. Any suggestions?

The debug file is too big to attach here. Link here

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Selur - 03.08.2023

Can't access the debug output.
Normally, compressing and attaching the debug output should work fine.

Cu Selur

Ps.: As a side note: I would recommend switching to 64bit Avisynth,...

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Miranda - 03.08.2023

Compressed DeBug added. Thanks Smile

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Selur - 03.08.2023

Sadly, the debug output doesn't show any error.
FFmpeg seems to process the first 58 frames and then the debug output stops.

Wild guesses:
32bit Avisynth runs out of RAM => try whether switching to 64bit and recreating the job helps.
Might be an issue with the source and the used source filter => try whether the preview works fine for the first ~100 frames.

Cu Selur

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Miranda - 03.08.2023

How do I switch to 64bit? I've not used Avisyth option until the past few days.

I have run the same file before with no problem, strange.

I am going from QTGMC 25i bob to 23.976 progressive. Will the problem in sRestore/Vapoursynth affect this if I go back to processing in Vapoursynth?

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Selur - 03.08.2023

Quote:How do I switch to 64bit?
set "Config->Internals->Avisynth->Avisynth type" to "64bit"

Quote:I am going from QTGMC 25i bob to 23.976 progressive. Will the problem in sRestore/Vapoursynth affect this if I go back to processing in Vapoursynth?
yes, read

Cu Selur

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Miranda - 03.08.2023

I'm not sure why, but I'mstillĀ  seeing interlacing in the filtered preview. Any ideas?

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Selur - 03.08.2023

Quote:I'm not sure why, but I'mstill seeing interlacing in the filtered preview. Any ideas?
Frame->Misc->VInverse, Frame->Misc->VInverse2, Denoise->QTGMC (input type=2 or 3) can probably help.
Other than that: no clue

Cu Selur

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Miranda - 03.08.2023

Another error:

Avisynth preview error: -> SeparateFields: YUV420 height must be multiple of 4 (C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Avisynth\avisynthPlugins\QTGMC.avsi, line 843) (M:\TEMP\tempPreviewAvisynthFile16_26_12_568.avs, line 48)

RE: Hybrid stuck processing - Selur - 03.08.2023

Seems like a user error, adjust your processing accordingly.