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Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Printable Version

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Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Kuzon - 24.04.2024

It don't matter what i do preview window crashes at random times. Enabling or disabling a filter will cause the window to show a black screen. seeking through the timeline dose nothing. frame counter stays at 0. Check mark turns to a X when crash happens. closing and re-opening the window may or may not fix it. Enabling and disabling a filter may or may not fix it.(if filter A cause the crash. Unchecking filter A may or may not fix it Huh , Sometimes enabling a different filter while filter A is enabled will fix the problem.) Source input does not matter it happens all the time.

If the explanation is confusing im sorry but thats the best way i can explain whats going on.
If you need anymore info let me know.

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Selur - 24.04.2024

Quote:If you need anymore info let me know.
Read the sticky.
Properly describe what you do step-by-step.

When I do the following:
  • start Hybrid
  • load a source
  • open the Vapoursynth Preview
  • Switching filters has no effect at all.
  • Enabling 'Sync auto refresh Preview'
    Quote:Synth auto-refresh Preview:
    When enabled Hybrid will automatically try to refresh the Avisynth/Vapoursynth preview whenever something related to the preview changes.
    This is convenient to directly see changes, but it might cause the Preview to crash when changes happen too fast.
    Default: disabled.
    I can see changes.
  • Switching 'Filtering->Vapoursynth->Color->Basic->Levels' 'on' and 'off' no crash occurs.

=> can't reproduce due to lack of details

Cu Selur

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Kuzon - 24.04.2024

  1. Start Hybrid
  2. load source
  3. check Generate
  4. set audio to passthrough all
  5. run auto crop
  6. set resize to 6 - luma bicubic,chroma bilinear
  7. set target resolution
  8. convert output to PAR 1:1
  9. run interlace check
  10. set deinterlace to TiVTC
  11. enable synth auto refresh
  12. open preview window
  13. from here on out enable/disable filters

i hope that helps

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Selur - 25.04.2024

Nope, no crash here followed your steps.
Tested multiple filters, switching them on and off and on again, no crash.

Cu Selur

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Kuzon - 26.04.2024

Should i send a log file?

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Selur - 26.04.2024

yes, a debug log might help

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Kuzon - 26.04.2024

how? the debug file is 538kb. i tried pastebin and it didnt work. i tried to send it through a private message but it exceeded the character limit

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Selur - 26.04.2024

Quote:Read the sticky.
What is unclear with
Quote:compress (zip/7z/rar/..) the HybridDebugOutput.txt before you post it
in the sticky ([INFO] Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,.. )?

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Selur - 27.04.2024

General comments acout your debug output:
a. you got a source that is detected as 'top field first' and you use TIVTC (it would be better to also let Hybrid know that the source is telecined, by overwriting the scan type)

b. looking at the debug output I see:
" E x p l i c i t l y i n s t a n t i a t e d a C a c h e . T h i s i s n o l o n g e r p o s s i b l e a n d t h e o r i g i n a l c l i p h a s b e e n p a s s e d t h r o u g h i n s t ead"
no real clue what is causing this.

" E r r o r o n f r a m e 0 r e q u e s t :
R e s i z e e r r o r 2 0 4 9 : u n r e c o g n i z e d t r a n s f e r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s"
-> this is probably what causes the crash, will try to reproduce and fix the problem with your sample.

Cu Selur

RE: Preview Window Keeps Crashing - Selur - 27.04.2024

Okay, the problem is that 'dgdecode.MPEG2Source' sets invalis Transfer and Primaries values.
In case you have an NVIDIA card, you can enable 'Filtering->Vapoursynth->Source->Use DGDecNV when available' as a workaround.
I'm working on a workaround.

Cu Selur