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MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - Printable Version

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MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - ToiletDuck - 29.09.2024


Just discovered an issue whereby an mp4 remuxed to m2ts with tsmuxer (stand alone) poses an playback issue on my Stand Alone HW player !!

The ts media file will play at first on the HW player, but here is the interesting part.. When i fast forward, stop the playback, and continue the playback again, i get an black screen !  I still do get to see the subtitles , and have sound ,... just NO video 🤔..!  

Here's the real interesting part.. remuxing the already created m2ts file to a new TS file using TSmuxer , doesn't solves the problem.. 
But... remuxing the faulty mp4 to TS through hybrid however did solved the problem😁 ..

I guess, something about mp4box is doing some kind of magic to the content to get this to work eventually .. 🤔
Strange, the extracted content (x264, ac3, etc..) tracks could'nt be used to recreate and mux an working ts file .. in that regard !?!

Although haven't use different extractors yet, just tsmuxer to demux the damn thing..

Conclusion, something goes horrible wrong when mp4 is muxed through hybrid..  
I've tested and tried to create an mp4 using ffmpeg instead of mp4box to compile the media file.. hybrid crashed at Mux/creation stage !

Now now my king, i know how much you vallue an debug file my Royal Majesty  🥹 ..

See attachment for the naughty details 😋

Ta Ta..

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - Selur - 29.09.2024

About the crash
Error: Color matrix coefficients parameter: not given in the form <TID>:n (argument was '0:-1'
is the error mkvmerge gives, since it's called with:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe" --ui-language en -o "C:\TEMP\2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010__03.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:-1 --color-range 0:-1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:2 --color-primaries 0:2 --default-duration "0:24/1fps" --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\TEMP\00000_new_1_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_02.264"
Like you enabled "Config->Container->MKV->Always Color Signaling", but neither the color matrix nor the color range are known/set in the Config->MKV tagging->VUI.
No clue why atm., the input is detected as video_luminancescale: tv, video_colorMatrix: bt470bg
1. need a small sample which allows reproducing the problem (tried with a few sample here, but had no problem)
2. need a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the problem
If you can provide both, I can look at it tomorrow.

From what I see atm. this should only happen if something is interfering with Hybrid and thus an unknown value is set in a combo box.

Cu Selur

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - ToiletDuck - 29.09.2024

(29.09.2024, 20:34)Selur Wrote: About the crash
Error: Color matrix coefficients parameter: not given in the form <TID>:n (argument was '0:-1'

Yep, i found and saw that exact line in the debug file too..  

But n-o = no ↓

(29.09.2024, 20:34)Selur Wrote: is the error mkvmerge gives, since it's called with:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe" --ui-language en -o "C:\TEMP\2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010__03.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:-1 --color-range 0:-1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:2 --color-primaries 0:2 --default-duration "0:24/1fps" --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\TEMP\00000_new_1_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_02.264"
Like you enabled "Config->Container->MKV->Always Color Signaling", but neither the color matrix nor the color range are known/set in the Config->MKV tagging->VUI.
No clue why atm., the input is detected as video_luminancescale: tv, video_colorMatrix: bt470bg
1. need a small sample which allows reproducing the problem (tried with a few sample here, but had no problem)
2. need a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the problem
If you can provide both, I can look at it tomorrow.
Cu Selur

.. i haven't touched any of the mentioned settings (ie: config->container→mkv) !  And since i haven't changed that , i asume thats ↑ that must be the default settings then !? ... 

However, i have loaded the profile with wich i created the new media file, and i have selected the basic level color filter in vapoursynth (ie: vapoursynth→Color→basic→levels..) .. 
Could this have change that setting you mentioned, if that should'nt be the default setting mayhap ?

EDIT: Never mind this ↑ line, it seems the setting "always color signaling" is enabled by default in hybrid...
Although, the profile uses basic color correction... i'll test it later on if this poses a problem .. but i doubt it.. 
Also, do you need an sample from the new created *.mp4 "faulty" media file..  Or do you need an sample from the source file ?  

Anyhow, i have remuxed all the "faulty" mp4 files and remuxed them into m2ts using hybrid.. all do work just perfect now.. 

Glad it's not an bad encode, wich you easily would suspect since there wos no video at a certain point in my case.. 

Ta Ta 

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - Selur - 29.09.2024

Need a sample of the source which allows to reproduce the problem and a step-by-step guide what you did to encounter the problem.

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - ToiletDuck - 29.09.2024

(29.09.2024, 21:22)Selur Wrote: Need a sample of the source which allows to reproduce the problem and a step-by-step guide what you did to encounter the problem.

As far as for the "step-by-step" guide..  

I don't think its the encode process thing, but rather an "MP4" mux thing (after the recodes)..

Anyway, basically iam upscaling dvd content wrapped in a m2ts container to 1080p content using the resizer RealESRGAN in hybrid.
The process works just perfect, no issue's there.. 

Again, from encode to remux into a "m2ts" container doesn't pose any problem.. no playback problems.

ONLY when i started to change the output container (ts) to mp4 at the base panel in hybrid .. all of a sudden these playback issue started to happend..  

Again, something must be going wrong at the extract/mux process using → mp4box imo ... !  

Also, this issue is only on strict Bluray HW players..  ← that might explain why you couldn't reproduce / SEE some kind of video glitches ..  
Since if i recall correct, you don't have a stand alone HW player ..right 😏?  

But there's a way to reproduce this behavior on pc ..  

1. If you have pdvd installed on your pc... 
2. Create an mp4 file through hybrid
3. Then remux the file to an Bluray Structured folder (not an single ts file mind u).  

When you open that BD folder in pdvd, and try to skip chapter or even fast forward it won't work... !! 
Now THAT ↑ is exactly the closest thing to what happends on my bluray hw player..

Difference is,  i still have video playback on pdvd.. but when you try and skip/jump to next chapter pdvd WON't DO IT and will just continue to playback 😏 ..
Fast Forward doesn't work aswell on pdvd !!  Whereas on my hw player fast forward works, but the video playback is black!

See, at that point i get the black screen to see on my HW player whereas PDVD will just continue to playback the file with video .. 
but pdvd won't / can't use the embedded chapters list for some reason.. !

Sample is in the attachement.  

Ta Ta

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - Selur - 30.09.2024

About playback problems:
Quote: I don't think its the encode process thing, but rather an "MP4" mux thing (after the recodes)..
Correct, but the encoding settings can influence the muxing settings.

Quote: ONLY when i started to change the output container (ts) to mp4 at the base panel in hybrid .. all of a sudden these playback issue started to happend..
Not really surprised by that, since Blu-ray players often, as stupid as it sounds, support different stuff depending on the container. Depending on the player video stream support can be more strict or more lose depending on the container.

Quote:1. If you have pdvd installed on your pc...
2. Create an mp4 file through hybrid
3. Then remux the file to an Bluray Structured folder (not an single ts file mind u).
1. I do not. So testing is up to you.
2. What settings are you using? (Are the settings Blu-ray or AVC-HD compatible?)
3. What tool are you using?

Quote:See, at that point i get the black screen to see on my HW player whereas PDVD will just continue to playback the file with video ..
but pdvd won't / can't use the embedded chapters list for some reason.. !
What is the 'the embedded chapters list' ?
Assuming, it's the normal mp4 chapter information, try whether enabling "Config->Containers->MP4->iTunes compatibility" with different 'Chapter handling' settings makes a difference.
Also, make sure that you are using Blu-ray / AVC-HD compatible settings while encoding.

About the crash during re-muxing:
Quote: I've tested and tried to create an mp4 using ffmpeg instead of mp4box to compile the media file.. hybrid crashed at Mux/creation stage !
This is what the debug output of the first post is about, and this is what I'm mainly interested.
There you loaded an .mp4-file, set video handling to 'passthrough' and audio handling to 'auto add (all)' and mp4 as output container.
Additionally, you enabled either 'Config->Container->MP4->FFmpeg instead of MP4Box'.
Hybrid created the following calls:
  • audio extraction:
    "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\MP4Box.exe" -raw 2 "C:\TEMP\00000.mp4" -out "C:\TEMP\iId_3_aid_0_lang_en_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_01.ac3"
  • video extraction:
    "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\MP4Box.exe" -raw 1 "C:\TEMP\00000.mp4" -out "C:\TEMP\00000_new_1_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_02.264"
  • mkv muxing of the video (since ffmpeg has problems with raw H.264 streams):
    "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe" --ui-language en -o "C:\TEMP\2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010__03.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:-1 --color-range 0:-1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:2 --color-primaries 0:2 --default-duration "0:24/1fps" --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\TEMP\00000_new_1_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_02.264"
    Here is the problem, which causes the crash.
  • audio&video muxing call:
    ffmpeg -y  -r 24/1 -i "C:\TEMP\2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010__03.mkv" -i "C:\TEMP\iId_3_aid_0_lang_en_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_01.ac3" -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2024.06.16.1" -c:v copy -c:1 copy -map 0:0  -map 1:0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -vtag avc1  -aspect 1920:1080 -r 24/1 "C:\TEMP\00000_new.mp4"
    This one looks fine, but is never executed since the previous call crashes.

To reproduce the problem, I asked for:
Quote:a small sample which allows reproducing the problem
Instead of an .mp4 file, you shared a .mkv file in your
So I assume that this .mkv can be used to reproduce the problem for you.
Using that Hybrid creates the following calls for me:
  • audio extraction:
    mkvextract tracks "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\sample.mkv" 1:"J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410_01.ac3"
  • video extraction:
    mkvextract --ui-language en tracks "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\sample.mkv" 0:"J:\tmp\sample_1_2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410_02.264"
  • video muxing (since ffmpeg has problems with raw H.264 streams):
    mkvmerge --ui-language en -o "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410__03.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:7 --color-range 0:1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:2 --default-duration "0:50/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:1.422 --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "J:\tmp\sample_1_2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410_02.264"
  • audio&video muxing:
    ffmpeg -y  -r 50/1 -i "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410__03.mkv" -i "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_2024-09-30@05_16_04_0410_01.ac3" -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2024.09.29.1" -c:v copy -c:1 copy -map 0:0  -map 1:0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -vtag avc1  -aspect 32:18 -r 50/1 "G:\Output\sample.mp4"
All these work fine.

Taking the output of that mp4 as input and remuxing it to mp4, Hybrid created the folliwing calls:
  • audio extraction:
    MP4Box -raw 2 "G:\Output\sample.mp4" -out "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710\iId_2_aid_0_2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710_01.ac3"
  • video extraction:
    MP4Box -raw 1 "G:\Output\sample.mp4" -out "J:\tmp\sample_new_1_2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710_02.264"
  • video muxing (since ffmpeg has problems with raw H.264 streams):
    mkvmerge --ui-language en -o "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710__03.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:7 --color-range 0:1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:2 --default-duration "0:50/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:1.422 --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "J:\tmp\sample_new_1_2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710_02.264"
  • audio&video muxing:
    ffmpeg -y  -r 50/1 -i "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710__03.mkv" -i "J:\tmp\2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710\iId_2_aid_0_2024-09-30@05_23_10_1710_01.ac3" -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2024.09.29.1" -c:v copy -c:1 copy -map 0:0  -map 1:0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -vtag avc1  -aspect 32:18 -r 50/1 "G:\Output\sample_new.mp4"
All these calls worked fine here too.

=> With the sample you provided, I can't reproduce your problem.

Side note:
According to the debug output of the first post, the sample you tried to re-mux was not encoded with bluray compatiblity options turned on.
Quote:Encoding settings : cabac=1 / ref=4 / deblock=1:0:0 / analyse=0x3:0x133 / me=umh / subme=9 / psy=1 / psy_rd=1.00:0.00 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=2 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-2 / threads=34 / lookahead_threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=2 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=2 / keyint=250 / keyint_min=24 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=60 / rc=cbr / mbtree=1 / bitrate=2200 / ratetol=2.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / vbv_maxrate=2200 / vbv_bufsize=78125 / nal_hrd=none / filler=0 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.00
So it would not be too surprising if a Blu-ray player would not play back the file properly.

Cu Selur

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - ToiletDuck - 01.10.2024

(30.09.2024, 05:33)Selur Wrote: About playback problems:
Quote: I don't think its the encode process thing, but rather an "MP4" mux thing (after the recodes)..
Correct, but the encoding settings can influence the muxing settings.

 For sure, if you mean that the encode settings have to meet BD compliant standards for to work in HW / strict players .. ie: Ref frames, Min/Max bitrate , Display resolution etc etc..
Albeit, in my experience there's some room to deviate from that ↑ for sure ..  And the content STILL will play flawless on the most strict demanding players (sony brand players comes to mind Dodgy

(30.09.2024, 05:33)Selur Wrote: About playback problems:

Quote:ONLY when i started to change the output container (ts) to mp4 at the base panel in hybrid .. all of a sudden these playback issue started to happend.. 
Not really surprised by that, since Blu-ray players often, as stupid as it sounds, support different stuff depending on the container. Depending on the player video stream support can be more strict or more lose depending on the container.

The container compatibility is the main thing on HW strict players for sure ..  Like on some of the hwplayers i own, mkv files and all the contents would play just fine on one player but on another player only the video + audio would display, not the subtitles or anything else.. even though the subtitle format is *.pgs or even Txt based *.srt format .. 

Hence i always go for Ts container, thats the widely adopted and most compatible format for Bd players that alway's will work from a disc structure or single file..

(30.09.2024, 05:33)Selur Wrote: About playback problems:
Quote:1. If you have pdvd installed on your pc...
2. Create an mp4 file through hybrid
3. Then remux the file to an Bluray Structured folder (not an single ts file mind u). 
1. I do not. So testing is up to you.
2. What settings are you using? (Are the settings Blu-ray or AVC-HD compatible?)
3. What tool are you using?

1. Fine by diz duck MY king / My Royal Majesty ..  
but DASbut, how do you know for SURE that you have reproduced the same results / issue's if you don't test/watch the content aftwards ?  Just by reading the naughty details (rrrr.. 😏) from the debug Logs 🤔 ?

Mind you, players such as mpc, vlc lan etc.. are just too forgiven and won't pose the same playback problems like strict players ...  Therefor, you won't be able to reproduce / see the issue while watching it..  Hence my suggestion to atleast us pdvd, the closest thing to a HW player for you to reproduce this issue..

Since hybrid did actually did completed the job just fine form a to Z, the problem is.. some flaws in tools/software with wich you created the media file will only surface when you actually playback and watch the content on certain players . Like in this case / my case for example...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. Have done dozens of projects using pretty much the same settings , so far play just perfect on any HW player i have tested.. even the most stuborn players 😅.
And again, there are certain settings from wich you can slightly deviate and still will be 100% BD compliant though.. 

3. Usually TSmux works just fine, in rare cases i use another tool for testing purpose actually.

(30.09.2024, 05:33)About the crash during re-muxing: Wrote: Additionally, you enabled either 'Config->Container->MP4->FFmpeg instead of MP4Box'.

Hybrid created the following calls:
  • audio extraction:
    "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\MP4Box.exe" -raw 2 "C:\TEMP\00000.mp4" -out "C:\TEMP\iId_3_aid_0_lang_en_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_01.ac3"
  • video extraction:
    "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\MP4Box.exe" -raw 1 "C:\TEMP\00000.mp4" -out "C:\TEMP\00000_new_1_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_02.264"
  • mkv muxing of the video (since ffmpeg has problems with raw H.264 streams):
    "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe" --ui-language en -o "C:\TEMP\2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010__03.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:-1 --color-range 0:-1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:2 --color-primaries 0:2 --default-duration "0:24/1fps" --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\TEMP\00000_new_1_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_02.264"Here is the problem, which causes the crash.
  • audio&video muxing call:
    ffmpeg -y  -r 24/1 -i "C:\TEMP\2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010__03.mkv" -i "C:\TEMP\iId_3_aid_0_lang_en_2024-09-29@20_03_54_0010_01.ac3" -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2024.06.16.1" -c:v copy -c:1 copy -map 0:0  -map 1:0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -vtag avc1  -aspect 1920:1080 -r 24/1 "C:\TEMP\00000_new.mp4"
    This one looks fine, but is never executed since the previous call crashes.

I chose to use ffmpeg instead of mp4box to check out if mp4box wos causing the playback problems (black screen/no video) in any way, shape or form.. 
So do i read you correct, and it crashes because ffmpeg isn't able to work with raw 264 streams ?

I could have sworn, that i have used ffmpeg 6 in the past to remux media files with x264 streams just fine.. but i could be wrong..

Here's the interesting part.. The same playback issue that i have on the bd HWplayer, you also can reproduce in pdvd ...  ie: open the file, play , Fast forward , stop and press play to continue playback.. bam black screen..

Now, here's the funny part... this ↑ ONLY happends when i remux the mp4 hybrid-created file into a TS using Tsmuxer manually (outside hybrid) .  The fresh created mp4 does play fine ..! 

That said, THIS ↑ is exactly why i suspect mp4box of doing something to the container &/or content that prevents me from remuxing it to an working ts file using other tools beside mp4box (→ for extraction ... the root of the problem mayhap ?! ←) ..

(30.09.2024, 05:33)To reproduce the problem, I asked for: Wrote:
Quote:a small sample which allows reproducing the problem
Instead of an .mp4 file, you shared a .mkv file in your
So I assume that this .mkv can be used to reproduce the problem for you.

You asumed correct, and i have reproduced the crash/playback error using the very exact sample i have posted 😉👌.

(30.09.2024, 05:33)=> With the sample you provided, I can't reproduce your problem. Wrote: Side note:
According to the debug output of the first post, the sample you tried to re-mux was not encoded with bluray compatiblity options turned on.
Quote:Encoding settings                        : cabac=1 / ref=4 / deblock=1:0:0 / analyse=0x3:0x133 / me=umh / subme=9 / psy=1 / psy_rd=1.00:0.00 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=2 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-2 / threads=34 / lookahead_threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=2 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=2 / keyint=250 / keyint_min=24 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=60 / rc=cbr / mbtree=1 / bitrate=2200 / ratetol=2.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / vbv_maxrate=2200 / vbv_bufsize=78125 / nal_hrd=none / filler=0 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.00
So it would not be too surprising if a Blu-ray player would not play back the file properly.
Cu Selur

Again, have reproduced the crashes using the sample i have posted though !
Not only that but you can watch the same playback problems i have had on my stand alone hwplayer in pdvd aswell.. PDVD shows the exact SAME issue !


fired up hybrid, using defaults except and ONLY  for: 

A. path locations:

1. output path to source paths & 2. Temp path to Output path = Enabled

B: base tab:  

Video encoder x264 : default settings
Audio encoder : default settings / auto add first

Now.. for the crucial part: .. cause this is causing things to break imo..

Default container :  set to MP4 ... auto generate output file name V=enabled 

now using this ↑ preset, it will create an mp4 from the mkv sample just fine using mp4box (important) as extractor  ..

NOw take that fresh created mp4 file and remux that through tsmuxer using nightly builds or last official build (doesn't matter realy).
Try to play that ts file in pdvd or hw player, fast forward , press stop and play to continue playback bam .. BSOD.. black screen of death 😅..

Here's the interesting part, take that fresh created mp4 file and play that instead in pdvd, do the same thing, play,ff,stop, play.. what dya know, A+Video do get allong and play nice ...

Also, go back to hybrid and change the setting under config→containers→mp4→ enable ffmpeg instead of mp4box .. bam crash WILL or should happend using the sample.. using the very same and pretty much using for 99,99% the default settings for the encode and mux process in hybrid (ie: custom profile settings is out of the equation imo, since all standard settings were used)   

.. debug from the entire process untill crash using sample is in the attachement..

Ta Ta

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - Selur - 01.10.2024

Quote:NOw take that fresh created mp4 file and remux that through tsmuxer using nightly builds or last official build (doesn't matter realy).
Try to play that ts file in pdvd or hw player, fast forward , press stop and play to continue playback bam .. BSOD.. black screen of death
Default x264 settings or Hybrids default x264 settings are by no means blu-ray compliant, so no surprise that hardware player have problems with it. Especially b-pyramid can cause problems.

I tried using the steps you mentioned to create the crash:
  • Started Hybrid
  • Enabled "Config->Paths->Adjust: Output path to source path"
  • Enabled "Config->Paths->Adjust: Temp path to output path"
  • Enabled "Config->Containers->MP4->FFmpeg instead of MP4box"
  • Set "Base->Processing->Video" to "x264" and kept the default values.
    {*]Set"Base->Processing->Audio" to 'auto add first'.
  • Kept "Base->Default container" at "mp4"
  • Enabled "Base->Generate"
  • Pressed "Add to Queue"
  • Disabled "Jobs->queue->Minimize job command lines" so I can check the mkvmerge call before the ffmpeg muxing call.
    That showed me:
    mkvmerge --ui-language en -o "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\2024-10-01@18_23_07_3610__09.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:6 --color-range 0:1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:5 --default-duration "0:50/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:64/45 --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\2024-10-01@18_23_07_3610_05.264"
as you can see: "--color-matrix-coefficients 0:6 --color-range 0:1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:5" are all properly set.

No crash. Still can't reproduce the problem. (side note: I tried using the latest release and the latest dev version; not old 2024.06.16.1, but since I haven't changed the code responsible for muxing&co in a while that should not really matter.)

Did I miss some step you mentioned?
If you do the steps like I wrote them down: Does the mkvmerge call also look correct for you?
If not: Does resetting the Hybrid settings and doing these steps work?

Cu Selur

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - ToiletDuck - 02.10.2024

(01.10.2024, 18:31)Selur Wrote:
Quote:NOw take that fresh created mp4 file and remux that through tsmuxer using nightly builds or last official build (doesn't matter realy).
Try to play that ts file in pdvd or hw player, fast forward , press stop and play to continue playback bam .. BSOD.. black screen of death
Default x264 settings or Hybrids default x264 settings are by no means blu-ray compliant, so no surprise that hardware player have problems with it. Especially b-pyramid can cause problems.

Ofcourse the default settings aren't BD complaint, i get that... 

And i NEVER EVER used an app's default / auto settings anyway, WAY to USER RESTRICTED !!

Iam just using default settings as much as possible for the sake to narrow down the causes of the mux/merge crashes to name one ..

(01.10.2024, 18:31)Selur Wrote: -----
I tried using the steps you mentioned to create the crash:
  • Started Hybrid
  • Enabled "Config->Paths->Adjust: Output path to source path"
  • Enabled "Config->Paths->Adjust: Temp path to output path"
  • Enabled "Config->Containers->MP4->FFmpeg instead of MP4box"
  • Set "Base->Processing->Video" to "x264" and kept the default values.
    {*]Set"Base->Processing->Audio" to 'auto add first'.
  • Kept "Base->Default container" at "mp4"
  • Enabled "Base->Generate"
  • Pressed "Add to Queue"
  • Disabled "Jobs->queue->Minimize job command lines" so I can check the mkvmerge call before the ffmpeg muxing call.
    That showed me:
    mkvmerge --ui-language en -o "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\2024-10-01@18_23_07_3610__09.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:6 --color-range 0:1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:5 --default-duration "0:50/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:64/45 --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\2024-10-01@18_23_07_3610_05.264"
as you can see: "--color-matrix-coefficients 0:6 --color-range 0:1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:5" are all properly set.

No crash. Still can't reproduce the problem. (side note: I tried using the latest release and the latest dev version; not old 2024.06.16.1, but since I haven't changed the code responsible for muxing&co in a while that should not really matter.)

So did i used these ↑ exact steps you have described using that very same sample ive posted ..

This is what the log say:
C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe
2024.10.02 - 19:52:31_Windows 11 Version 23H2 (64bit)_2024.06.16.1 - level 9:  argumentString(1): --ui-language en -o "C:\TEMP\2024-10-02@19_52_24_3410__05.mkv" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --color-matrix-coefficients 0:-1 --color-range 0:-1 --color-transfer-characteristics 0:1 --color-primaries 0:5 --default-duration "0:50/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:64/45 --fourcc 0:MP4V --no-chapters --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles "C:\TEMP\2024-10-02@19_52_24_3410_03.264"

So as you can see, pretty much the same as yours.. except for.. 👇 Undecided  :

MkvMerge output: Error: Color matrix coefficients parameter: not given in the form <TID>:n (argument was '0:-1').
2024.10.02 - 19:52:31_Windows 11 Version 23H2 (64bit)_2024.06.16.1 - level 9: 2024-10-02@19_52_24_3410_05_muxing ### C:\TEMP\sample.mp4 ### Error: Color matrix coefficients parameter: not given in the form <TID>:n (argument was '0:-1').
2024.10.02 - 19:52:31_Windows 11 Version 23H2 (64bit)_2024.06.16.1 - level 9: aborting,.. 2024-10-02@19_52_24_3410_05_muxing

(01.10.2024, 18:31)Selur Wrote: Did I miss some step you mentioned?
If you do the steps like I wrote them down: Does the mkvmerge call also look correct for you?
If not: Does resetting the Hybrid settings and doing these steps work?

Cu Selur

Nope, like i have mentioned before.. i've kept hybrids settings as basic / standard as possible to avoid these kind of misinterpretations...
Did reset hybrid prior to reproduce the error again... as you can see for yourself no help there..

But like you have stated , iam still on 2024.06.16.1 ... 🤔..

Ta Ta

RE: MP4 To M2TS HWplayer playback issue ! - Selur - 02.10.2024

No clue why this happens for you.
Can't reproduce it, can't help.