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not working nvenc ffmpeg - Printable Version

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not working nvenc ffmpeg - vvulpes - 07.06.2018

I solve my problem that was typed here before. I just delete Cover.jpg in attached in mkv.
For now, not working nvenc ffmpeg,

-> Creating jobs for source 1,...
-> Generating calls for: C:\work\test (1)-002_new_new.mkv
Current Output: C:\work\test (1)-002_new_new.mkv
 adding NVEnc (FFmpeg) calls for source: 1
 createJobs for C:\work\test (1)-002_new_new.mkv
  creating attachment extraction subjobs
  creating video subjobs
  creating muxing subjobs
  optimizing the subJobs
-> finished creating subjobs for current source
 added new job with id 18_19_16_7210
-> should be there after processing: C:\Users\vvulpes\AppData\Local\Temp\test (1)-002_new_new_18_19_16_7210_01.mkv
starting 18_19_16_7210_01_video@18:19:16.814 - C:\work\test (1)-002_new_new.mkv
finished after 00:00:01.330
-> 18_19_16_7210_01_video crashed: ERROR: C:\Users\vvulpes\AppData\Local\Temp\test (1)-002_new_new_18_19_16_7210_01.mkv is too small! (byteSize: 0byte)
Aborting '18_19_16_7210_01_video' due to: ERROR: C:\Users\vvulpes\AppData\Local\Temp\test (1)-002_new_new_18_19_16_7210_01.mkv is too small! (byteSize: 0byte)
Job 18_19_16_7210 finished!

And i have question, how to keep or improve grain on videos? What parametres i should take ?

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - Selur - 07.06.2018

The data you provided doesn't help at all, read sticky.
Also note that nvenc ffmpeg is marked experimental, Hybrid does not check any settings there. So if you use a feature combination that isn't supported by your hardware ffmpeg will crash.
-> On Windows better use NVEncC.

Cu Selur

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - vvulpes - 07.06.2018

Okay, i get it. Thanks.

I found nvencC in program folder also in config-tools. How i need activate this to encode?

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - Selur - 07.06.2018

Hybrid allows to use it in case:
NVEncC.exe --check-features
reports that your card can be used.

Cu Selur

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - vvulpes - 07.06.2018

Maybe im dummy, where to text it?

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - Selur - 08.06.2018

Hybrid comes with NCEncC.exe in it's 64bit folder.
So if you want to see the same as Hybrid you would need to call something like
c:\Programs\Hybrid\64bit\NVEncC.exe --check-features
inside a 'Windows Command Prompt'.
My guess is that there is a problem with your driver<>hardware combination.

NVEncC has a bunch of 'Information Options':
Information Options:
-h,-? --help                    print help
-v,--version                    print version info
   --check-device               show DeviceId for GPUs available on system
   --check-hw [<int>]           check NVEnc codecs for specified DeviceId
                                  if unset, will check DeviceId #0
   --check-features [<int>]     check for NVEnc Features for specified DeviceId
                                  if unset, will check DeviceId #0
   --check-environment          check for Environment Info
   --check-avversion            show dll version
   --check-codecs               show codecs available
   --check-encoders             show audio encoders available
   --check-decoders             show audio decoders available
   --check-formats              show in/out formats available
   --check-protocols            show in/out protocols available
   --check-filters              show filters available
source: part of the output of 'NVEncC.exe --help'

Cu Selur

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - vvulpes - 08.06.2018

Er... Yes I did it right. But problem is window open and...  closes i cannot read or do anything.  Undecided Angry

RE: not working nvenc ffmpeg - Selur - 08.06.2018

You didn't open a command prompt and executed the command.
Your just executed the command.
There is a difference.