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LimitedSharpen-Faster-Mod - Avisynth vs. Vapoursynth - Printable Version

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LimitedSharpen-Faster-Mod - Avisynth vs. Vapoursynth - The_Tinkerer - 11.04.2019

Using Hybrid 2019.03.13.1 / Win7 SP1

I noticed that the LimitedSharpen-Faster-Mod filter is identical for both Avisynth and Vapoursynth, except for Skernal.

Avisynth appears to be correct and match



However, Vapoursynth instead has options 1 - 6:


On Avisynth, the defaults for presets "old", "fast", and "slow" are 11.

On Vaporsynth, the button that applies the preset defaults does not affect the Skernal option 1 - 6. Its initial state is 1.

Is that a bug for this filter on Vaporsynth, or correct behavior?

Also, shouldn't the Skernel field really be disabled/greyed  for options other than the 3x3 Kernel options for Smethod?

RE: LimitedSharpen-Faster-Mod - Avisynth vs. Vapoursynth - Selur - 11.04.2019

Vapoursynth uses LSFMod from havsfunc:
###                                                                                          ###
###                       LimitedSharpenFaster MOD : function LSFmod()                       ###
###                                                                                          ###
###                                Modded Version by LaTo INV.                               ###
###                                                                                          ###
###                                  v1.9 - 05 October 2009                                  ###
###                                                                                          ###
### +-----------+
### +-----------+
### v1.9 : - tweaked settings
###        - default preset is now defaults="fast" /!\
### v1.8 : - changed preblur to allow more tweaking (bool->string)
###        - tweaked settings
###        - cleaned the code
###        - updated documentation
### v1.7 : - changed Smethod=4 to "source"
### v1.6 : - added preblur option
###        - added new Smethod=4
### v1.5 : - fixed LUT expression (thanks to Didée)
###        - changed Smethod to Smethod+secure
### v1.4 : - changed defaults="new" to defaults="slow" & defaults="fast"
###        - added show parameter
###        - cleaned a little the code
### v1.3 : - changed a little Smethod=3&5 (same effect, but more precise)
###        - added new calculation for soft (soft=-2) [default on]
###        - added warning about bad settings (no more silent)
###        - updated the documentation
### v1.2 : - added new Lmode<0 (limit with repair)
###        - added 2 new Smode (unsharp masking)
###        - changed Smode order: now old Smode3-4 is new Smode3-4 to avoid mistake
### v1.1 : - fixed a bug with dest_x!=ox or dest_y!=oy
###        - replaced Lfactor by over/undershoot2
### v1.0 : - deleted old Smode(1-4), added new Smode(1-3) & Smethod(1-5)
###        - added parameters for nonlinear sharpening (S2zp,S2pwr,S2dmpLo,S2dmpHi)
###        - corrected the nonlinear formula
###        - added new Lmode 2 & 4 + fixed Lmode 0
###        - added faster edgemask
###        - added soothe temporal stabilization, 2 parameters: soothe & keep
###        - replaced lanczosresize by spline36resize
###        - moved "strength" parameter (first place)
###        - deleted wide, special and exborder
###        - changed some code (cosmetic)
###        - added "defaults" parameter (to switch between original and modded version)
###        - added documentation
### +--------------+
### +--------------+
### -> RGVS
### +---------+
### | GENERAL |
### +---------+
### strength [int]
### --------------
### Strength of the sharpening
### Smode [int: 1,2]
### ----------------------
### Sharpen mode:
###    =1 : Range sharpening
###    =2 : Nonlinear sharpening (corrected version)
### Smethod [int: 1,2,3]
### --------------------
### Sharpen method:
###    =1 : 3x3 kernel
###    =2 : Min/Max
###    =3 : Min/Max + 3x3 kernel
### kernel [int: 11,12,19,20]
### -------------------------
### Kernel used in Smethod=1&3
### In strength order: + 19 > 12 >> 20 > 11 -
### +---------+
### | SPECIAL |
### +---------+
### preblur [bool]
### --------------------------------
### Mode to avoid noise sharpening & ringing
### secure [bool]
### -------------
### Mode to avoid banding & oil painting (or face wax) effect of sharpening
### source [clip]
### -------------
### If source is defined, LSFmod doesn't sharp more a denoised clip than this source clip
### In this mode, you can safely set Lmode=0 & PP=off
###    Usage:   denoised.LSFmod(source=source)
###    Example: last.FFT3DFilter().LSFmod(source=last,Lmode=0,soft=0)
### +----------------------+
### +----------------------+
### Szrp [int]
### ----------
### Zero Point:
###    - differences below Szrp are amplified (overdrive sharpening)
###    - differences above Szrp are reduced   (reduced sharpening)
### Spwr [int]
### ----------
### Power: exponent for sharpener
### SdmpLo [int]
### ------------
### Damp Low: reduce sharpening for small changes [0:disable]
### SdmpHi [int]
### ------------
### Damp High: reduce sharpening for big changes [0:disable]
### +----------+
### | LIMITING |
### +----------+
### Lmode [int: ...,0,1,2,3,4]
### --------------------------
### Limit mode:
###    <0 : Limit with repair (ex: Lmode=-1 --> repair(1), Lmode=-5 --> repair(5)...)
###    =0 : No limit
###    =1 : Limit to over/undershoot
###    =2 : Limit to over/undershoot on edges and no limit on not-edges
###    =3 : Limit to zero on edges and to over/undershoot on not-edges
###    =4 : Limit to over/undershoot on edges and to over/undershoot2 on not-edges
### overshoot [int]
### ---------------
### Limit for pixels that get brighter during sharpening
### undershoot [int]
### ----------------
### Limit for pixels that get darker during sharpening
### overshoot2 [int]
### ----------------
### Same as overshoot, only for Lmode=4
### undershoot2 [int]
### -----------------
### Same as undershoot, only for Lmode=4
### +-----------------+
### +-----------------+
### soft [int: -2,-1,0...100]
### -------------------------
### Soft the sharpening effect (-1 = old autocalculate, -2 = new autocalculate)
### soothe [bool]
### -------------
###    =True  : Enable soothe temporal stabilization
###    =False : Disable soothe temporal stabilization
### keep [int: 0...100]
### -------------------
### Minimum percent of the original sharpening to keep (only with soothe=True)
### +-------+
### | EDGES |
### +-------+
### edgemode [int: -1,0,1,2]
### ------------------------
###    =-1 : Show edgemask
###    = 0 : Sharpening all
###    = 1 : Sharpening only edges
###    = 2 : Sharpening only not-edges
### edgemaskHQ [bool]
### -----------------
###    =True  : Original edgemask
###    =False : Faster edgemask
### +------------+
### +------------+
### ss_x ; ss_y [float]
### -------------------
### Supersampling factor (reduce aliasing on edges)
### dest_x ; dest_y [int]
### ---------------------
### Output resolution after sharpening (avoid a resizing step)
### +----------+
### | SETTINGS |
### +----------+
### defaults [string: "old" or "slow" or "fast"]
### --------------------------------------------
###    = "old"  : Reset settings to original version (output will be THE SAME AS LSF)
###    = "slow" : Enable SLOW modded version settings
###    = "fast" : Enable FAST modded version settings
###  --> /!\ [default:"fast"]
### defaults="old" :  - strength    = 100
### ----------------  - Smode       = 1
###                   - Smethod     = Smode==1?2:1
###                   - kernel      = 11
###                   - preblur     = false
###                   - secure      = false
###                   - source      = undefined
###                   - Szrp        = 16
###                   - Spwr        = 2
###                   - SdmpLo      = strength/25
###                   - SdmpHi      = 0
###                   - Lmode       = 1
###                   - overshoot   = 1
###                   - undershoot  = overshoot
###                   - overshoot2  = overshoot*2
###                   - undershoot2 = overshoot2
###                   - soft        = 0
###                   - soothe      = false
###                   - keep        = 25
###                   - edgemode    = 0
###                   - edgemaskHQ  = true
###                   - ss_x        = Smode==1?1.50:1.25
###                   - ss_y        = ss_x
###                   - dest_x      = ox
###                   - dest_y      = oy
### defaults="slow" : - strength    = 100
### ----------------- - Smode       = 2
###                   - Smethod     = 3
###                   - kernel      = 11
###                   - preblur     = false
###                   - secure      = true
###                   - source      = undefined
###                   - Szrp        = 16
###                   - Spwr        = 4
###                   - SdmpLo      = 4
###                   - SdmpHi      = 48
###                   - Lmode       = 4
###                   - overshoot   = strength/100
###                   - undershoot  = overshoot
###                   - overshoot2  = overshoot*2
###                   - undershoot2 = overshoot2
###                   - soft        = -2
###                   - soothe      = true
###                   - keep        = 20
###                   - edgemode    = 0
###                   - edgemaskHQ  = true
###                   - ss_x        = 1.50
###                   - ss_y        = ss_x
###                   - dest_x      = ox
###                   - dest_y      = oy
### defaults="fast" : - strength    = 100
### ----------------- - Smode       = 1
###                   - Smethod     = 2
###                   - kernel      = 11
###                   - preblur     = false
###                   - secure      = true
###                   - source      = undefined
###                   - Szrp        = 16
###                   - Spwr        = 4
###                   - SdmpLo      = 4
###                   - SdmpHi      = 48
###                   - Lmode       = 1
###                   - overshoot   = strength/100
###                   - undershoot  = overshoot
###                   - overshoot2  = overshoot*2
###                   - undershoot2 = overshoot2
###                   - soft        = 0
###                   - soothe      = true
###                   - keep        = 20
###                   - edgemode    = 0
###                   - edgemaskHQ  = false
###                   - ss_x        = 1.25
###                   - ss_y        = ss_x
###                   - dest_x      = ox
###                   - dest_y      = oy
def LSFmod(input, strength=100, Smode=None, Smethod=None, kernel=11, preblur=False, secure=None, source=None,
           Szrp=16, Spwr=None, SdmpLo=None, SdmpHi=None, Lmode=None, overshoot=None, undershoot=None, overshoot2=None, undershoot2=None,
soft=None, soothe=None, keep=None, edgemode=0, edgemaskHQ=None, ss_x=None, ss_y=None, dest_x=None, dest_y=None, defaults='fast')

Quote:Also, shouldn't the Skernel field really be disabled/greyed for options other than the 3x3 Kernel options for Smethod?
Description above says:
Kernel used in Smethod=1&3
### In strength order: + 19 > 12 >> 20 > 11 -

-> will try look at it once I'm back from work today or at the weekend.

Cu Selur

Ps.: Yes, LSFmod in Avisynth and Vapoursynth differs.

RE: LimitedSharpen-Faster-Mod - Avisynth vs. Vapoursynth - Selur - 11.04.2019

Seems like LSFMod changed a lot in the Vapoursynth version over the years and I didn't notice it.
-> This will take a while

=> send you a link to a dev version for testing