I attached the new RC6 with management of 7 methods.
Using the last dev version I get the following errors
FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExOnlyRefs' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCPreset' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCColorTune' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCColorMap' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExMethod' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExPreset' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExRefMerge' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExOnlyRefs' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCSceneFramedir' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCScThtOffset' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCScMinInt' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCSCNormalize' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExModel' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExVivid' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExMethod' FilteringModel get->found no field 'vsHAVCDeepExFrames'
moreover the generated script is incomplete, probably due to the previous errors
Now Ref merge is Ok.
But the section of file is enabled only for method 6, while should be enabled also for method 5.
please rename on the GUI the following methods
5 = HAVC restore same as video --> to rename in: external ClipRef same as video
6 = HAVC restore different from video --> to rename in: external ClipRef different from video
please rename on the GUI the following methods
5 = HAVC restore same as video --> to rename in: external ClipRef same as video
6 = HAVC restore different from video --> to rename in: external ClipRef different from video
I totally don't get it the whole meaning of those options, but will do,....
values << "HAVC";
values << "HAVC + RF same as video";
values << "HAVC + RF different from video";
values << "external RF same as video";
values << "external RF different from video";
values << "external ClipRef same as video";
values << "external ClipRef different from video";
updated Hybrid_deoldify
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Quote: But the section of file is enabled only for method 6, while should be enabled also for method 5.
i adjusted
DeepExRefMerge to be 'no' for all external model methods aside from 2,5,6
ScFrameDir to be 'None' for all file input is needed for 5,6
Updated Hybrid_deoldify.
Cu Selur
DeepExRefMerge to be set 'no' for all external model methods not having RF same as video, which are: 2, 4, 6 <--- TO BE FIXED
The change of the names is to clarify better the source of Exemplar Models, which are models that are able to colorize a movie only if is provided a colored regerence image.
Previously were available 2 type of colored images: internal (provided by the picture color models implemented in HAVC) and external (external image files).
With HAVC 5.0 has been extended the external source of colored images to video clip. This extension was mainly added for restoring colored videos, but I preferred remove the HAVC prefix, because the clip could be generated by a different coloring model.