03.02.2021, 02:26
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Hybrid Version: 2021.01.31; 2020.12.13
Intention: OBS-recorded MP4 video, crop & upsize via Waifu2x nvk, encode to x264.
Problem: Waifu2x nvk crashes immediately. (attached relevant debug.log)
Oddly, my laptop with Win10 1803 has no problems running it. It has an older NVidia driver 451.67, too. (attached debug.log for reference)
I wish to use the desktop instead because it has GTX 1080 while my laptop only has GTX 960m.
I wonder if it's a Vapoursynth or w2xnvk problem instead.
'Vapoursynth Filter Preview' error
Fix Attempts in vain:
Unrelated but other bugs encountered/Suggestion:
Hybrid Version: 2021.01.31; 2020.12.13
Intention: OBS-recorded MP4 video, crop & upsize via Waifu2x nvk, encode to x264.
Problem: Waifu2x nvk crashes immediately. (attached relevant debug.log)
- y4m [error]: bad sequence header magic
- x264 [error]: could not open input file `-'
Oddly, my laptop with Win10 1803 has no problems running it. It has an older NVidia driver 451.67, too. (attached debug.log for reference)
I wish to use the desktop instead because it has GTX 1080 while my laptop only has GTX 960m.
I wonder if it's a Vapoursynth or w2xnvk problem instead.
'Vapoursynth Filter Preview' error
Failed to evaluate the script:
Python exception: Waifu2x-NCNN-Vulkan: invalid 'gpu_id'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 2244, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 2245, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
File "C:\Users\ACES\AppData\Local\Temp\tempPreviewVapoursynthFile05_44_22_620.vpy", line 31, in <module>
clip = core.w2xnvk.Waifu2x(clip=clip, scale=2, model=0, tile_size=240, gpu_thread=2)
File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 2069, in vapoursynth.Function.__call__
vapoursynth.Error: Waifu2x-NCNN-Vulkan: invalid 'gpu_id'
Fix Attempts in vain:
- Change various Waifu2x nvk parameters (GPU_ID, threads, tilesize, model, noise, resizer)
- Change video src; no cropping; turned on x264 OpenCL(?).
- Update NVidia GPU driver (452.xx -> 461.40)
- Install Python 3.8.9 (I thought it was a Python thing)
- Reinstallation + settings reset
Unrelated but other bugs encountered/Suggestion:
- - Every startup, the x264 Quantizer Max defaults to 51 & is maxed out at 51 even though it's supposed to be 69 (8bit) or 81 (10bit). This is despite saving/loading it on x264 profiles and MainTab/Window defaults.
Workaround: Change APC Profile to any other profile, then back. (v2020.12.13 & v2021.01.31; Win7 & Win10-1803)
- + Ability to directly edit Output File textbox for easy name changing, like say in several outputs from one video src.