28.04.2021, 17:36
Hello. Theres problem again. Input is "someanime.mkv" file that has 1080p 10bit and FLAC.
The main problem is that mkvextract crash when you try to reencode audio with cutting times. Actually, this bug is already quite old more than year, usually cause of this i just cut reencode audio with ffmpeg separatly with same timecodes, but now I decided to report it. And another bug with cutting times. Sometimes this does not allow you to select the timecodes you need. For example, you ctrl + v at field 00:10:37.700, its locks 00:10:37.200 and you cannot change the above .222 or this loops from 200 to 222 and you cant change that.
And there are still old bugs with subtitles and custom styles subtitles. First, it doesn't always import ass. Second, when you select "SUBTITLE">"IMPORT">choosing your "subtitle file">"Embed subtitle in frame"> "Overwrite Ass Styling">then add in "Subtitle Queue" it does not remove the font and style from the past subtitles, but adds your own. Because of this, the job crashes, and the preview does not work.
Like this 2 lines but should exist only one. From old sub "Candara", new overwrited Bahnschrift:
And I don't think overwrite is useful because you can't choose the location on screen of the subtitles, its in left bottom screen always. But that might be due to the bug above. Did a little debug for this.
Last question. Where can I find xml or txt with all the job's lines, so that I can insert them into the command line for the test myself, or change the commands a little. For example, in hybrid, I cannot change the cut timecodes as I want cause of above things, but I could do it if I inserted it myself via CMD. You called it Encoding call. In temp folder i didnt find them, but other files exist.
Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.
The main problem is that mkvextract crash when you try to reencode audio with cutting times. Actually, this bug is already quite old more than year, usually cause of this i just cut reencode audio with ffmpeg separatly with same timecodes, but now I decided to report it. And another bug with cutting times. Sometimes this does not allow you to select the timecodes you need. For example, you ctrl + v at field 00:10:37.700, its locks 00:10:37.200 and you cannot change the above .222 or this loops from 200 to 222 and you cant change that.
And there are still old bugs with subtitles and custom styles subtitles. First, it doesn't always import ass. Second, when you select "SUBTITLE">"IMPORT">choosing your "subtitle file">"Embed subtitle in frame"> "Overwrite Ass Styling">then add in "Subtitle Queue" it does not remove the font and style from the past subtitles, but adds your own. Because of this, the job crashes, and the preview does not work.
Like this 2 lines but should exist only one. From old sub "Candara", new overwrited Bahnschrift:
Style: Default,Bahnschrift Condensed,20,&H0000aaff,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,&H00ffffff,&H000000ff,&H0001013f,&H00000000,100,100,0,0,100.00,1,1,0.00,1,2.50,10,2,40,40,40,1
Style: Default,Candara,40,&H00ffffff,&H000000ff,&H0001013f,&H00000000,-1,0,0,0,100.00,100.00,0.00,0.00,1,2.50,1.00,2,40,40,40,1
And I don't think overwrite is useful because you can't choose the location on screen of the subtitles, its in left bottom screen always. But that might be due to the bug above. Did a little debug for this.
Last question. Where can I find xml or txt with all the job's lines, so that I can insert them into the command line for the test myself, or change the commands a little. For example, in hybrid, I cannot change the cut timecodes as I want cause of above things, but I could do it if I inserted it myself via CMD. You called it Encoding call. In temp folder i didnt find them, but other files exist.
Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.