04.09.2021, 12:40
There seems to be some issue with the decoding of the audio while calling:
a. Since the audio is an additional file: Are you sure the audio has no errors?
b. What happens if your call:
inside a terminal window ?
Cu Selur
"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -loglevel fatal -nostdin -i "/Volumes/Racines/Le Tombeau des lucioles/LE_TOMBEAU_DES_LUCIOLES_SCN_Titre_1.ac3" -ac 2 -ar 48000 -f sox - | "/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/sox" --multi-threaded --temp "/Users/Laurent/Movies/Hybrid/2021-09-04@12_14_00_471001" --buffer 524288 -S -t sox - -t wav - tempo 0.95904000 | "/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -f sox -i - -b:a 384k -ar 48000 -channel_layout stereo "/Users/Laurent/Movies/Hybrid/iId_2_aid_0_2021-09-04@12_14_00_4710_02.ac3"
b. What happens if your call:
"/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -nostdin -i "/Volumes/Racines/Le Tombeau des lucioles/LE_TOMBEAU_DES_LUCIOLES_SCN_Titre_1.ac3" -ac 2 -ar 48000 -f sox - | "/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/sox" --multi-threaded --temp "/Users/Laurent/Movies/Hybrid/2021-09-04@12_14_00_471001" --buffer 524288 -S -t sox - -t wav - tempo 0.95904000 | "/Applications/Hybrid.app/Contents/MacOS/ffmpeg" -y -threads 4 -f sox -i - -b:a 384k -ar 48000 -channel_layout stereo "/Users/Laurent/Movies/Hybrid/iId_2_aid_0_2021-09-04@12_14_00_4710_02.ac3"
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.