Quote:If the offset formula used in Hybrid is correct, shouldn’t it produce the same audio offset as ffmpeg?Why should that be the case?
a. Hybrid by default does not use FFmpeg for muxing (you can tell it to do so by enabling 'Config->Containers->Mp4 Settings->FFmpeg instead of MP4Box').
b. Just looking at the screenshot 0.5 frame (Hybrid) vs. 1 frame (FFmpeg), Hybrids way seems to be more correct. Also looking at your screenshot it seems like FFmpegs delay is even more than one frame.
To be clear, Hybrid never aimed to behave like FFmpeg, I wrote that 'encoder compensation delay adjustment'-code to ideally totally compensate the encoder delay. I never looked at what ffmpeg or any other tool where I could look at the source code did since I only followed the format and encoder infos I could gather.
While at it you could also:
- post what MediaInfo reports about your souce avi.
- check what happens if you:
- use FFmpeg in Hybrid as muxer
- disable the delay handling in Hybrid while using MP4Box and FFmpeg as muxer
- use FFmpeg in Hybrid as muxer
Also please:
a. use 'code'-tags or 'quote'-tags when posting MediaInfo outputs or similar, it makes the whole thing more readable. (I added 'code'-tags to your last post)
b. use the detailed MediaInfo output of the whole file. (Container and a/v delay infos are interessting and important)
Quote:The ffmpeg file: Duration: 6 s 0 ms, Source duration: 6 s 21 ms, Source_Duration_LastFrame: -16 msDuration = Container stream length
The Hybrid file: Duration: 6 s 37 ms (!)
Source Duration = Stream length
Source Duration LastFrame = no clue how that should be interpreted (you would have to ask the MediaInfo author about that)
That does not really match the screenshot, so another question is whether:
a. the results reported by MediaInfo are correct
b. the handling of your NLE regarding the input (mp4 and avi) are correct (are those delays properly respected?)
-> the whole MediaiInfo and FFProbe info would be needed.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.