Quote:Is there anything we can do about it?Okay, the baiscally try to Mask the content.
To use it in Hybrid with Avisynth one could write the whole stuff in a custom section.
So if you want to test it.
- set "Filtering->Support" to "Avisynth"
- enable a "Filtering->Avisynth->Custom" and enter:
(fixed #colorspace RGB32 -> # colorformat RGB32)LoadPlugin("I:\Hybrid\64bit\Avisynth\AVISYN~1\mvtools2.dll")
Spotless produces frame global changes [most pixels are changed], here we want to try alter only real spots where there is significant change in spotless Y [by YTh8]
and also that are near grey in source [by CTh8], these targeted pixels are then overlayed from Spotless result onto original src.
Src, Pre-Spotless source
Filtered, Spotless result
YTh8, threshold for Y in 8 bit range.
CTh8, threshold for Chroma in 8 bit range.
YNoiseTh8, ?????
Show, Show Masks.Mask is the final mask made from MaskY and MaskC
Function SpotTest(clip Src,clip Filtered,int "YTh8",int "Cth8",int "YNoiseTh8",Bool "Show") { # 8 -> 16 bit YUV444 only
YTh8 = Min(Max(Default(YTh8,12),0),255)
CTh8 = Min(Max(Default(CTh8,12),0),255)
YNoiseTh8 = Min(Max(Default(YNoiseTh8,8),0),255)
Show = Default(Show,False)
try {bpc = Src.BitsPerComponent} catch(msg) {bpc=8}
try {Y444=Src.IsYV24||Src.Is444} catch(msg) {Y444=false}
Assert(Y444,"SpotTest: Must be YV24/YUV444")
YTh = BitLShift(YTh8,bpc-8).String
CTh = BitLShift(CTh8,bpc-8).String
YNoiseTh = BitLShift(YNoiseTh8,bpc-8).String
SY = Src.ExtractY
FY = Filtered.ExtractY
PSY = SY.SelectEvery(1,-1)
NSY = SY.SelectEvery(1, 1)
MaskN = Mt_Lutxyz(PSY,SY,NSY,"x "+ YNoiseTh + " - y <= y z "+ YNoiseTh + " + <= & z "+ YNoiseTh + " - y <= y x "+ YNoiseTh + " + <= & | 0 range_max ?")
# ( ((x-YNoiseTh <= y) & (y <= z+YNoiseTh)) | ((z-YNoiseTh <= y) & (y <= x+YNoiseTh)) ) ? 0 : 255 ## Infix @ 8 bit
# ((YPrv-YNoiseTh <= YCur <= YNxt+YNoiseTh) || (YNxt-YNoiseTh <= YCur <= YPrv+YNoiseTh)) ? 0 : 255
MaskY = Mt_Lutxy(SY,FY,"x y - abs " + YTh + " > range_max 0 ?") # "(abs(x-y) > YTh) ? 255 : 0"
MU = Mt_Lut(Src.ExtractU,"x range_half - abs") # "abs(x - 128)"
MV = Mt_Lut(Src.ExtractV,"x range_half - abs") # "abs(x - 128)"
MaskC = Mt_Lutxy(MU,MV,"x 2 ^ y 2 ^ + .5 ^ round " + CTh + " <= range_max 0 ?") # "(round(((x^2)+(y^2))^0.5) <= CTh) ? 255 : 0" # 2D chroma distance from grey (by Pythagoras)
MaskN = MaskN.mt_Expand
MaskY = MaskY.mt_Expand
MaskC = MaskC.mt_Expand
MaskAnd = MaskC.Mt_Logic(MaskY,"and")
MaskAnd = MaskAnd.Mt_Logic(MaskN,"and")
MaskSelect = MaskAnd.mt_Expand.Blur(1.0)
CGREY = MaskSelect.Mt_lut("range_half")
MID=StackVertical(YtoUV(CGrey,CGrey,MaskN).Subtitle("MaskN"),HBAR,YtoUV(CGrey,CGrey,MaskY).Subtitle("MaskY {abs(SrcY-FiltY) > YTh}"),HBAR,YtoUV(CGrey,CGrey,MaskSelect).Subtitle("MaskSelect=MaskAnd.mt_Expand.Blur(1.0) {Blk=Src used : Wht=Filt used}"))
RGT=StackVertical(YtoUV(CGrey,CGrey,MaskC).Subtitle("MaskC {Src Chroma distance from Grey <= Cth8"),HBAR,YtoUV(CGrey,CGrey,MaskAnd).Subtitle("MaskAnd {MaskN & MaskC & MaskY}"),HBAR,YtoUV(CGrey,CGrey,CGrey))
STK = StackHorizontal(LFT,VBAR,MID,VBAR,RGT)
(Show) ? STK : Last
YTH8 = 8
CTH8 = 12
SHOW = False
Return Last.ConvertToRGB32
# colorformat RGB32
in it. Make sure to adjust the paths in the Import- and the LoadPlugin-lines.
If you set "SHOW = True" also add
and expext the whole thing to get terrible instable unless you disable multithreading (Filtering->Avisynth->Misc->Script->Miscellaneous->Disable MT)# width 4320
# height 3240
Side note at least with these values it doesn't really remove much, but also doesn't wreak the image totally, still ad least some problems are still there.
-> unless someone spends time on porting this to Vapoursynth I will at least not add direct support for this.
If someone can show me that this actually can do more it might reconsider and even try to port this myself.
Cu Selur
Ps.: Note that the SpotLess version also notes: "NOT FOR cartoon/anime, live video only, sorry." So it's kind of to be expected that both the mask and the normal SpotLess have problems with your content.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.