What happens if you call:
Looking at the debug output it seems like ffmpeg has a problem decoding the input and directly stops, which causes the encoder call to stop. Hybrid then checks for the .stats file which should have been created, but wasn't ans aborts.
Cu Selur
"/home/ha/.hybrid-bin/ffmpeg" -y -threads 16 -i "/home/ha/aom-bin/101030_VK_00.mkv" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vsync 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - | "/home/ha/.hybrid-bin/vpxenc" --codec=vp9 --row-mt=1 --passes=2 --pass=1 --target-bitrate=1500 --end-usage=vbr --fpf="/home/ha/aom-bin/101030_VK_00_16_39_58_0110_01.stats" --profile=0 --best --cpu-used=0 --min-q=0 --max-q=63 --bias-pct=70 --minsection-pct=15 --maxsection-pct=10000 --lag-in-frames=25 --drop-frame=0 --undershoot-pct=0 --buf-sz=6 --buf-initial-sz=4 --buf-optimal-sz=5 --drop-frame=0 --resize-allowed=0 --kf-min-dist=0 --kf-max-dist=250 --auto-alt-ref=1 --arnr-maxframes=5 --arnr-strength=3 --noise-sensitivity=0 --sharpness=0 --static-thresh=0 --tile-columns=2 --tile-rows=1 --min-gf-interval=0 --max-gf-interval=0 --threads=16 --width=720 --height=576 --yv12 --color-space=unknown --target-level=255 -o NUL -
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.