Aufruf sieht eigentlich okay aus:
keine Ahnung warum da abgebrochen wird
Cu Selur
"/home/ha/.hybrid-bin/ffmpeg" -y -loglevel fatal -threads 8 -i "/media/ha/32GB/C0022.MP4" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vsync 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - | "/home/ha/.hybrid-bin/vpxenc" --codec=vp9 --row-mt=1 --passes=1 --pass=1 --end-usage=q --cq-level=32 --profile=0 --best --cpu-used=0 --min-q=32 --max-q=32 --undershoot-pct=0 --buf-sz=6 --buf-initial-sz=4 --buf-optimal-sz=5 --drop-frame=0 --resize-allowed=0 --kf-min-dist=0 --kf-max-dist=250 --auto-alt-ref=0 --noise-sensitivity=0 --sharpness=0 --static-thresh=0 --tile-columns=2 --tile-rows=1 --min-gf-interval=0 --max-gf-interval=0 --threads=2 --width=3840 --height=2160 --yv12 --color-space=bt709 --target-level=51 -o "/tmp/20_10_35_9510_01.vp9" -
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.