NTSC 29.97 interlaced -> upscaled 29.97i:
Load the source, set output to interlaced and upscale.
NTSC 29.97 interlaced -> upscaled 59.94p:
Load the source, bob deinterlacing and upscaling.
NTSC 29.97 telecined -> upscaled 29.97i:
Load the source, set output to interlaced, apply IVTC, upscale, interpolate frames.
(instead of IVTC, one could also bob deinterlaced and use FillDrops to replace the duplicates with interpolated frames)
NTSC 29.97 telecined -> upscaled 59.94p:
Load the source, apply IVTC, upscale, interpolate frames.
(instead of IVTC, one could also bob deinterlaced and use FillDrops to replace the duplicates with interpolated frames)
Cu Selur
NTSC 29.97 interlaced -> upscaled 29.97i:
Load the source, set output to interlaced and upscale.
NTSC 29.97 interlaced -> upscaled 59.94p:
Load the source, bob deinterlacing and upscaling.
NTSC 29.97 telecined -> upscaled 29.97i:
Load the source, set output to interlaced, apply IVTC, upscale, interpolate frames.
(instead of IVTC, one could also bob deinterlaced and use FillDrops to replace the duplicates with interpolated frames)
NTSC 29.97 telecined -> upscaled 59.94p:
Load the source, apply IVTC, upscale, interpolate frames.
(instead of IVTC, one could also bob deinterlaced and use FillDrops to replace the duplicates with interpolated frames)
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.