The 5:4 is the storage aspect ratio (720x576 <> 720/576 = 1.25 <> 5:4).
16:15 is a pixel aspect ratio. (Hybrid takes this from the flags of your source).
So 720x576 will be displayed with 720*(16/15)x576 = 768x576, so the display aspect ratio is 768/576 <> 1.33.. <> 4:3.
You need to read up on what pixel aspect ratio, display aspect ratio and storage aspect ratio means.
Best start with [INFO] About pixel aspect ratios,.. and the pages that are linked there.
By default, (resize disabled, input and output par unchanged) Hybrid will take the video, encode it and copy the par info from the input to the output.
If you change the input pixel aspect ratio (only do this is your input is wrongly flagged) and resize is disabled, Hybrid will encode the content and flag the output with the changed PAR.
If input and output PAR are the same, and you resize, Hybrid will calculate the width (or height, depending on what you chose to specify) without changing the PAR.
If input and output PAR differ, Hybrid will adjust the height/width to maintain the same display aspect ratio while taking the changed pixel and storage aspect ratio into account.
All the calculations are basic arithmetic, nothing fancy or complicated.
-> like I wrote, read-up on aspect ratios and make sure you keep in mind which aspect ratio you speak of.
Cu Selur
Ps.: MediaInfo also has more detailed view for the collected data, which should differentiate between the display aspect ratio the pixel aspect ratio and the (storage) resolution of the content.
PPs.: 1280x720 and 1920x1080 content normally uses a PAR of 1:1. SD content often does not. (one of the links has tons of infos about this)
16:15 is a pixel aspect ratio. (Hybrid takes this from the flags of your source).
So 720x576 will be displayed with 720*(16/15)x576 = 768x576, so the display aspect ratio is 768/576 <> 1.33.. <> 4:3.
You need to read up on what pixel aspect ratio, display aspect ratio and storage aspect ratio means.
Best start with [INFO] About pixel aspect ratios,.. and the pages that are linked there.
By default, (resize disabled, input and output par unchanged) Hybrid will take the video, encode it and copy the par info from the input to the output.
If you change the input pixel aspect ratio (only do this is your input is wrongly flagged) and resize is disabled, Hybrid will encode the content and flag the output with the changed PAR.
If input and output PAR are the same, and you resize, Hybrid will calculate the width (or height, depending on what you chose to specify) without changing the PAR.
If input and output PAR differ, Hybrid will adjust the height/width to maintain the same display aspect ratio while taking the changed pixel and storage aspect ratio into account.
All the calculations are basic arithmetic, nothing fancy or complicated.
-> like I wrote, read-up on aspect ratios and make sure you keep in mind which aspect ratio you speak of.
Cu Selur
Ps.: MediaInfo also has more detailed view for the collected data, which should differentiate between the display aspect ratio the pixel aspect ratio and the (storage) resolution of the content.
PPs.: 1280x720 and 1920x1080 content normally uses a PAR of 1:1. SD content often does not. (one of the links has tons of infos about this)