24.03.2018, 03:18
Currently i am trying to figure out GPU acceleration and 60FPS conv. via InterFrame(avisynth)
I managed to make it work wonderfully but i noticed weird thing.
If i use alone GPU via NVenc x264 ecoding my GPU works on 100% 2000+ frames
When i use alone InterFrame it uses 100% cpu power.
Now i combine those two. So i get NVEnc and InterFrame filter i check GPU box aaaaand...
I get around 250+ frames which is good but my CPU perf is at 50% and GPU at 12%
From what i read InterFrame is only partially done on GPU and it relies on CPU a lot. Thing is that it doesn't use 100% cpu when i use it with NVEnc and GPU seems to wait constantly for InterFrame to finish its work (that is why 12%)
Ok then my assumption was that Hybrid needs to do something like shuffle memory or fire some scripts whatever that keeps it from going at 100% and it is normal, meaning despite of how it looks like it goes at 100%.
BUT in job queue i can set up 2 parallel tasks and it... WORKS. i can convert two video files at the same time with same speed and then my CPU goes to 100% util. and GPU around 30%.
So my question is how i can increase speed of single conversion with NVEnc and InterFrame filter from AviSynth ? Obviously it has something to do with settings but i can't figure out which ones...
Currently i am trying to figure out GPU acceleration and 60FPS conv. via InterFrame(avisynth)
I managed to make it work wonderfully but i noticed weird thing.
If i use alone GPU via NVenc x264 ecoding my GPU works on 100% 2000+ frames
When i use alone InterFrame it uses 100% cpu power.
Now i combine those two. So i get NVEnc and InterFrame filter i check GPU box aaaaand...
I get around 250+ frames which is good but my CPU perf is at 50% and GPU at 12%
From what i read InterFrame is only partially done on GPU and it relies on CPU a lot. Thing is that it doesn't use 100% cpu when i use it with NVEnc and GPU seems to wait constantly for InterFrame to finish its work (that is why 12%)
Ok then my assumption was that Hybrid needs to do something like shuffle memory or fire some scripts whatever that keeps it from going at 100% and it is normal, meaning despite of how it looks like it goes at 100%.
BUT in job queue i can set up 2 parallel tasks and it... WORKS. i can convert two video files at the same time with same speed and then my CPU goes to 100% util. and GPU around 30%.
So my question is how i can increase speed of single conversion with NVEnc and InterFrame filter from AviSynth ? Obviously it has something to do with settings but i can't figure out which ones...