27.03.2024, 17:19
Isn't a waste of processing power and "lossy" for NNEDI3 this double conversion? I haven't seen much of a difference vs Bicubic.
Actually the only model I have seen better results is SwinIR-L x4 any other suggestion?
ok work process input Res 756x432 --> bicubic 900x676 --> BasicVSR++ --> 1440x1080
If you apply VSR at higher res you get better results for small details.. but @ 1440 is slow and @ 756 is missing details...
Actually the only model I have seen better results is SwinIR-L x4 any other suggestion?
ok work process input Res 756x432 --> bicubic 900x676 --> BasicVSR++ --> 1440x1080
If you apply VSR at higher res you get better results for small details.. but @ 1440 is slow and @ 756 is missing details...