29.03.2024, 16:53
:param ddcolor_params: parameters for ddcolor():
[0] ddcolor model (default = 1):
0 = ddcolor_modelscope,
1 = ddcolor_artistic
[1] render factor for the model, if = 0 will be auto selected
(default = 24) [range: 0, 10-64]
[2] saturation parameter to apply to deoldify color model (default = 1)
[3] hue parameter to apply to deoldify color model (default = 1)
[4] enable FP16 inference in DDColor
:param ddcolor_tweaks: tweak parameters for ddcolor():
[0] : luma_constrained_tweak -> luma constrained ddcolor preprocess enabled (default = False), range: [True, False]
when enaabled the average luma of a video clip will be forced to don't be below the value
defined by the parameter "luma_min". The function allow to modify the gamma
of the clip if the average luma is below the parameter "gamma_luma_min"
[1] : luma_min -> luma (%) min value for tweak activation (default = 0, non activation), range [0-1]
[2] : gamma_luma_min -> luma (%) min value for gamma tweak activation (default = 0, non activation), range [0-1]
[3] : ddcolor tweak's bright (default = 0)
[4] : ddcolor tweak's constrast (default = 1)
[5] : ddcolor tweak's gamma (default = 1)
[6] : enable/disable FP16 in ddcolor inference
[7] : ddcolor's number of CUDA streams to enqueue the kernels (default = 1) (default = 1)
What's the difference between ddcolor_params[4] and ddcolor_tweaks[6] ?
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.