29.03.2024, 21:06
Quote:1) the lists for filters "Chroma smoothing/stabilizer" start with a boolean flag to enable them.Hybrid does not really validate those arrays/lists, it just checks that the (trimmed) string:
When the list is checked/unchecked can you automatically change the flag to True/False ?
1. start with a '['
2. ends with a ']'
3. that when split the element at index 0 container 'True'
=> In theory I could parse the content and change and validate it, but I would have to adjust it each time you change the parameters, so I think for the moment I will keep it the way it is.
Quote:2) Can you dedicate to the parameter "Darkness" a dedicated GUI params like "Chroma Limiter"
:param darkness: parameters for darken the clip's dark portions, which sometimes are wrongly colored by the color models
[0] : darkness_enabled (bool), if true the filter is enabled
[1] : dark_threshold, luma threshold to select the dark area, range [0.1-0.35] (0.01=1%)
[3] : dark_amount: amount of desaturation to apply to the dark area, range [0-1]
=> Sorry, not going to happen. (maybe once vsDeoldify is more stable)
Cu Selur
Ps.: Fixed a small typo, uploaded a new dev, same link.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.