I'm not really keen on adding additional options.
Does having four different stabilization methods make any sense?
shouldn't there be just one?
Cu Selur
Ps.: side note: can you remove the __pycache__-folders before zipping the vsdeoldify-xxx attachments?
Does having four different stabilization methods make any sense?
:param method: method used to combine deoldify() with ddcolor() (default = 2):
0 : deoldify only (no merge)
1 : ddcolor only (no merge)
2 : Simple Merge (default):
the frames are combined using a weighted merge, where the parameter "mweight"
represent the weight assigned to the colors provided by the ddcolor() frames.
3 : Constrained Chroma Merge:
given that the colors provided by deoldify() are more conservative and stable
than the colors obtained with ddcolor(). The frames are combined by assigning
a limit to the amount of difference in chroma values between deoldify() and
ddcolor() this limit is defined by the threshold parameter "cmc_tresh".
The limit is applied to the image converted to "YUV". For example when
cmc_tresh=0.2, the chroma values "U","V" of ddcolor() frame will be constrained
to have an absolute percentage difference respect to "U","V" provided by deoldify()
not higher than 20%.
4 : Luma Masked Merge:
the frames are combined using a masked merge, the pixels of ddcolor() with luma < "luma_mask_limit"
will be filled with the pixels of deoldify(). If "luma_white_limit" > "luma_mask_limit" the mask will
apply a gradient till "luma_white_limit". If the parameter "mweight" > 0 the final masked frame will
be merged again with the deoldify() frame.
5 : Adaptive Luma Merge:
given that the ddcolor() perfomance is quite bad on dark scenes, the images are
combined by decreasing the weight assigned to ddcolor() when the luma is
below a given threshold given by: luma_threshold. The weight is calculated using
the formula: merge_weight = max(mweight * (luma/luma_threshold)^alpha, min_weight).
For example with: luma_threshold = 0.6 and alpha = 1, the weight assigned to
ddcolor() will start to decrease linearly when the luma < 60% till "min_weight".
For alpha=2, begins to decrease quadratically (because luma/luma_threshold < 1).
Cu Selur
Ps.: side note: can you remove the __pycache__-folders before zipping the vsdeoldify-xxx attachments?
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.