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Video frame rate is doubled for Bluray sources
I think I'm experiencing that the final output from Bluray encode jobs have double video frame rate than expected. Final output video will have video playing back at twice the expected speed. The video playback will finish at the halfway point of the file, but the audio plays back properly.

I've tested with encoding jobs using sources from DVD and Bluray ripped via MakeMKV.
It only happens on Bluray material, not DVD.
Im using x265 video pretty basically to convert source to a mobile version. MKV container, CRF 25, veryslow preset, no cropping or resizing, filtering is default Vapoursynth settings, no speed changes or anything fancy. I think that's the extent of how I change video settings. Audio is Opus 128k, but that shouldn't matter.

Hybrid version: 2024.06.09.1 Win10 64bit version. (though I've experienced this behavior with the past version or two of Hybrid).
There's no pop up or obvious error message. The job completes, but when you playback the output video, you see the video playback looks sped up.
I enabled debug file, ran a job to get a log to attach.

This might be related to these topics, but either a step didn't match mine exactly or they said a dev build fixed the issue. Hybrid has been updated since those posts, so I'm not sure if that means release build didnt get those changes or if my issue isn't similar after all:

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Video frame rate is doubled for Bluray sources - by shank - 11.06.2024, 21:18

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