25.06.2024, 05:34
Yes, I have placed everything in the right folders including the remasternet.pth
What is confusing to me, is what to do next. I drop the sample video test_green_bw.mp4 in Hybrid Base tab, and what is the next step? Is it to go to vsViewer and open the vsremaster_test_green.vpy script? Or is to drop the script directly at the Hybrid Base tab. You've made everything so easy with few clicks that we've been spoiled, lol. If its too complicated of steps to walk thru, involving greater understanding of commands, I'll understand if you skip.
What is confusing to me, is what to do next. I drop the sample video test_green_bw.mp4 in Hybrid Base tab, and what is the next step? Is it to go to vsViewer and open the vsremaster_test_green.vpy script? Or is to drop the script directly at the Hybrid Base tab. You've made everything so easy with few clicks that we've been spoiled, lol. If its too complicated of steps to walk thru, involving greater understanding of commands, I'll understand if you skip.