27.06.2024, 18:09
Selur Wrote:a. I'm even surprised that VSLMRT&Co worked at all with 4GB VRAM.
So, maybe because of new software/model versions the compatibility to my GPU/VRAM might be reduced? Could that be it?
Quote:b. make sure to uninstall Hybrid (check that old install folder is deleted) before installing Hybrid; also try clearing any old temp files. (depending on the version you used before, the old machine learning temp files could cause a problem)
I reinstalled this new Hybrid version a bunch of times already, because of these issues I'm having. I also always made sure to delete the Vapoursynth folder before extracting the content of the four 7z archives. I also checked for anything "hybrid" or "vapoursynth" in AppData>Local/LocalLow/Roaming and Program Files / ProgramData / Program Files (x86) - including the "Common Files" folders. I don't think I ever found anything. Do you have a list of (potential) folders that I should check for, and delete? Where would I find those machine learning temp files?
I reinstalled Hybrid again, and and now for the first time I used the standard location (c:\Program Files\Hybrid) - but the issue remains.
Quote:Quote:And, lastly, when checking Config > Internals > Warnings > Overwrite / Overwrite/Delete, I do get the warning if the file already exists, but I think there should maybe be a button in that popup to cancel/abort?One of the places this could occur is when adding a job, there a warning should be fine, unless you create&start the job directly.
=> What warning do you get where? (so I know at what place to look)
I'll look into answering this after I've reinstalled Hybrid - see next. ; ))
Quote:Also check the Vapoursynth Preview. Does it work, or show an error?
I'd love to. Where would I find this? Thanks!