18.11.2024, 22:08
Hello Selur,
I discovered that weird things happen in vs-deoldify when is used the default VS multi-threading.
When is enabled "Exemplar Models" it is necessary to disable it with "core.num_threads=1".
This issue was reported also on EGVSR in your post: VSGAN - VapourSynth GAN Implementation, based on ESRGAN
I tried to use the statement "core.num_threads=1" in my functions, but is not working.
It works only if is inserted at beginning of the script produced by Hybrid as:
It is feasible for you to add this feature for HAVC ?
I discovered that weird things happen in vs-deoldify when is used the default VS multi-threading.
When is enabled "Exemplar Models" it is necessary to disable it with "core.num_threads=1".
This issue was reported also on EGVSR in your post: VSGAN - VapourSynth GAN Implementation, based on ESRGAN
I tried to use the statement "core.num_threads=1" in my functions, but is not working.
It works only if is inserted at beginning of the script produced by Hybrid as:
clip = core.bs.VideoSource(source="sample.mp4")
frame = clip.get_frame(0)
It is feasible for you to add this feature for HAVC ?