Avisynth script looks fine:
-> Try renaming the input file.
Cu Selur
Quote:LoadCPlugin("C:\PROGRA~1\Hybrid\32bit\AVISYN~1\ffms2.dll")One thing that might cause problems is the naming of the file, the '「' and '」' might cause problems with FFVideoSource.
Import("C:\Program Files\Hybrid\32bit\avisynthPlugins\InterFrame2.avsi")
# loading source: F:\Music\Other\New Game! OP Opening HD「SAKURA SKIP」+ Subs CC.mp4
# input color sampling YV12
# input luminance scale tv
FFVideoSource("F:\Music\Other\New Game! OP Opening HD「SAKURA SKIP」+ Subs CC.mp4",cachefile="C:\Users\Marcus\AppData\Local\Temp\18_39_23_5210.ffindex")
# current resolution: 1280x720
# filtering
return last
-> Try renaming the input file.
Cu Selur