Hybrid rev 2018.10.07.1:
Ps.: Not releasing any Mac versions for the time being. (I don't have access to a mac anymore.)
Cu Selur
- Filtering: FFmpeg deinterlacer
- Output: File name generation using chapter names
- Subtitle: convertion from ass -> txt
- Vapoursynth: Histogram in Preview
- Windows: progress indication after minimize and restore
- Adjusted to QSVEncC 3.09 (Windows only)
- Analysis: subtitle analysis through MediaInfo, due to changes in MediaInfo
- Analysis: ignore audio languages which are not ISO 3166-1 alpha-2/3 conform
- Analysis: handling apcm_adx audio in mpeg container, since MediaInfo reports this wrong atm.
- Avisynth: set output depth explicitly
- General: Close Hybrid on Windows in case it's running with administrator rights.
- General: monitoring and file input.
- Misc: misc.ini got an 'runAsAdmin' option, if you use it don't complain in case Hybrid messes up your system
- Tags: tags clearing on file change.
- Video: Removed NVEnc MB check, since NVEncC doesn't read max MB and doesn't report it anymore (Windows only)
- Filtering: FFmpeg vidstab support
- Vapoursynth: mClean
- Video: NVEnc, key-frames on chapter start option (Windows only)
- Video: QSVEnc HDR signaling support (Windows only)
- Video: AV-1 support through aomenc and rav1e
- Filtering: 'mcdeint' support since it was removed from mencoder/mplayer
Ps.: Not releasing any Mac versions for the time being. (I don't have access to a mac anymore.)
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.