27.10.2020, 22:34
(27.10.2020, 21:52)Selur Wrote:"Since Hybrid supports a bunch of lossless compression options:Quote:Can I incorporate such script in HYbrid suppressing default output?No, you can't replace the default output with some random call.
Where I have to put it?
Hybrid does have options which allow to call custom calls after a job or a queue finished, but those would probably require you to know the output name beforehand.
So if you knew each of your jobs would create 'E:\output.avi' you could:
Set "Jobs->Misc->On job finished" to "call external" and set "Jobs->Misc->On job finished->call external->at job finished external call" to
alternatively you could call a batch file or a another program to do whatever you want."c:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -i "E:\output.avi" -f image2 -vcodec png "E:\Output\output_%06d.png"
Cu Selur
(H.264 lossless, H.265 lossess, AV1 lossless, FFV1 (only supports YUV420 iirc), UT Video, FFvHuff)..."
I couldn't find lossless compression options in none of them.
For example what I can specify in AV1 for lossless output