Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2019.11.23.1:
- muxing: ffmpeg indicating vfr even when video is cfr
- video: x265 HDR-10+ signaling
- video: maxCLL typo related to STV-HEVC encoding (can't be used there anyways so more a cosmetic fix)
- video: NVEncC multi level typo bug
- Avisynth: crop not working with custom resizer
- muxing: mp4 language passthrough
- gui: VIDEOHANDLING problem on Linux
- profiles: Do not allow to load Global Profiles while a source is loaded.
- Vapoursynth: Make sure that after QTGMC the clip is preceived as frame based.
- video: NVEncC allow L0 and L1 references at the same time
- video: x265 added support for 'scenecut-aware-qp' with 'scenecut-window' and 'max-qp-delta'
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2019.12.01.1:
- video: x265 make sure 'fixed quantizer' zones use integer
- muxing: Hybrid doesn't send 'und' to MP4Box but empty language strings
- muxing: option to overwrite not only container but additionally stream aspect ratio
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.01.11.1:
- analyse: HDR parameter import rounding
- Synth: ignore timecodes for output if FrameInterpolation or Restore is
- cosmectice: AudioTab, AudioInfo on track change
- Synth: ImageSource handling
- video: qsv encoding mode
- tools: manual set tools could cause crashes
- Vapoursynt: Waifu2x limited range compression by using RGBS
- video: vsPipe Problem gefixed
- video: NVEnc only singal VUI in case VUI Signaling is enabled
- audio: handling of multiple trueHD streams with ffmpeg
- jobs: mkvmerge muxing timecodes parallel processing
- video: x265 support histogram scence change detection
- audio: dts-es muxing
- Synth: allow to set LibWAV HW decoding preference
- Vapoursynth: allow Waifu2X even when resize resolution is the same as the crop resolution.
- Vapoursynth: added support for EdgeFixer
- Synth: 'SelectRangeEvery' for Avisynth and Vapoursynth (video only!)
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.01.12.1:
- decode: crash when ffmpeg was not compiled with 'zscale'
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.02.16.1:
- Video: QSVEnc encoding mode mapping.
- Vapoursynth: custom script mismapping
- Vapoursynth: SelectRangeEvery and Tweak
- Vapoursynth: Fixed HDR to SDR DG call
- Vapoursynth: HDRToSDR
- Vapoursynth: LWLivavSource use track instead of streamindex
- Avisynth: removed 8bit enforcement for Tweak and Levels
- Video: aomenc - tx64 handling
- Profile: error message regarding 'input' when loading a GlobalDataModel
- Muxing: mp4 video&audio tagging
- Video: NVEnc, arib-std-b67 vs. arib-srd-b67
- Muxing: h264 avi muxing
- Analysis: mediainfo video bitrate indication
- Avisynth: handling high bitdepth content
- Decoder: FFmpeg decoder call
- Avisynth: force LibavSource for AV1 content
- Avisynth: make sure BalanceBorders isn't used when Top/Bottom/Left/Right isn't mod 2
- Vapoursynth: option to save/load custom script content
- Video: rav1e added "--threads X", "--switch-frame-interval X", "--reservoir-frame-delay X" and "--rdo-lookahead-frames X"
- Video: NVEncC added support for '--psnr', '--ssim'
- check for update
- Synth: removed FFms2k (it's changes were incorporated in ffms2)
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.02.17.1:
- video: x265, adjusted to 3.3 branch
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.02.19.1:
- Video: x265, messed up during 3.3. branch adjustment
- Internals: removed some abandoned code which causes unneeded slow downs after files with lot of meta data were analysed
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
01.05.2020, 11:49
(This post was last modified: 01.05.2020, 11:53 by Selur.)
Hybrid rev 2020.05.01.1:
- Monitoring: some small bugs with the monitoring feature
- Muxing: removed '-r' as input option for ffmbc, since it causes 'Option framerate not found.', works fine with ffmpeg
- Jobs: FFmpeg job optimizer, properly handle extern audio
- Vapoursynth: glitch with Vapoursynth Filter Preview
- Avisynth: Deen mode restictions
- Avisynth: dfttest ui mapping issue
- Muxing: ui crash when video calls didn't generate a video output
- Video: NVEnc: UI init problem regarding HDR selection
- Vapoursynth: fix odd/even selection when not using bob
- Vapoursynth: when using Stab include mvtools
- Synth: output bit depth adjustment on VideoModel bitDepth change for some VideoModels
- Vapoursynth: support for Bwdif deinterlacer
- Muxint: muxing: title&language passthrough during mp4 muxing
- GUI: font size adjustments (misc.ini)
- Video: SVT-AV1 support
- Audio: 'ignore encode and use passthrough if format doesn't change' option
- Synth: added FineDehalo support through Avisynth and Vapoursynth
- Audio: eac3 encoding support
- Filtering: added bwdif for FFmpeg
- Vapoursynth: QTGMC always set TFF according to 'order' even for progressive input
- Video: Support new NVEncC rotate (and transpose) and adjust it to FilterModels rotate option
- Video: NVEncC: aq handling
- Video: NVEncC: supporting '--input-option' for Blu-ray support
- Video: NVencC: support for HDR to SDR
- Avisynth: handling of interlaced filtering
- Avisynth: mftoons now use masktools2 instead of masktools
- Avisynth: add trim according to cut&chapter selection
- Video: x265 using --rskip-edge-threshold and --rskip X
- Vapoursynth: allow Waifu2x scale =1
- Video: support more aomenc options
- Vapoursynth: support for 'Waifu2x NCNN Vulkan' (Windows only)
- Synth: Updated svpflow dlls and adjusted Avisynth Interframe2.avsi
- Vapoursynth: removed support for Waifu2x on Linux since I can't get it to compile
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Ps.: For Debian/Ubuntu Linux Users: I tried writing a build-vapoursynth and build-plugins script, see: Hope someone get's inspired and makes this more usable.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.06.21.1:
- Video: rav1e 2pass calls
- Video: x265, minimize command line problem with constant quantizer
- Vapoursynth: interframe + sRestore
- Avisynth: pad to make sure dfttest gets mod16 input
- Vapoursynth: forgot to add Bwdif.dll to th the install (Windows only)
- Muxing: passhtrough huffuyv
- Video: do not add maxCll 0,0
- Analyse: Blu-ray input analysis
- Avisynth: imagesource bug
- Avisynth: ConvertToYUV where colorMatrix was accidentally added
- Video: Xvid 2pass stats file bug
- Jobs: ffindex deleted to early
- Jobs: trying to delete x264 mbtree file evenwhen it should not be there
- Audio: dialog norm make sure that '-dialognorm 0' instead of '-dialognorm -0' is used
- Input: ffmpeg time code extraction
- Analyse: dts-xx detection
- Handling: aid problem avi preview und tokenizing
- Video: x265: separate 2pass passes
- Jobs: progress indication when using qsvencc
- Video: FFMpeg NVEncC, multi-ref was accidentally disabled
- Chapters: switchting within sources with multi input and chapter import
- Jobs: ffmpeg job minimization
- Avisynth: removed SSE(2)Tools
- Avisynth: interplaced preview handling
- Avisynth: moved histrogram control into Hybrid itself
- Avisynth: removed AnimeIVTC since it's not required for QTGMC any more
- Avisynth: switched to Avisynth+ 3.6
- Avisynth: removed PlanarTools
- Avisynth: restrict DeRainbow to 8bit
- Avisynth: during ConvertToXY add ChromaInPlacement when converting from YV12 and ChromaOutPlacement when converting to YV12 in case MPEG-1 or DV Video input is detected.
- Avisynth: allow to enforce ChromaInPlacement/ChromaOutPlacement during ConvertToXY when converting to or from YV12
- Cut: allow to set cut by frame number
- Timecods: the way Hybrid tries to fix time codes
- Preview: force color space conversion on mplayer preview
- Input: added image sequence option to set base fps
- Audio: restrict eac3 bit rates
- Avisynth: extended color support for some filters
- Tools: handling version info with newer tsMuxeR
- XSynth: using trim with cut support
- Vapoursynth: Anime4KCPP resizer, JincResize, DeDot, CAS and adjusted LSFMod to use CAS
- Vapoursynth: added option to lower resolution before resize
- Avisynth: MToon, DFMDeRainbow
- Audio: handling of 8bit pcm
- Video: dynamic HDR with NVEncC
- Audio: ffmpeg ac3 & eac3: dialog normalization
- Video: FFmpeg NVEnc (Windows only)
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 11.185
Threads: 58
Joined: May 2017
Hybrid rev 2020.07.11.1:
- Vapoursynth: Anime4KCPP when using GPU
- Vapoursynth: limit Santiag Pcsnr when using GPU
- Avisynth: limit SplineResize100/144 to YV12, YUY2, RGB24, RGB32
- Avisynth: FrameRateConverter custom fps grayed out
- Avisynth: interlaced handling
- General: aborting close didn't work
- Communication: send ssl mail
- General: some more cut handling
- Jobs: MPEG-4 ASP workaround
- Jobs: tsMuxeR output file checks
- Tools: BDSup2Sub++ detection
- Video: x264 apply to preset
- Audio: ac3 reencoding
- Video: 2pass vpx/aomenc encoding
- Analysis: mpeg audio layer 1/2/3 detection
- General: gui error/freeze when extration of subtitle wasn't possible
- Avisynth: 'show YUV values' and 'histogram' for YUY2 input
- Jobs: using long IDs
- General: sometimes crashing on start up
- Avisynth: smdegrain limit/limitc double values
- General: always use DebugOutput Level 9
- Container: added matroska extensions: m3kd
- Vapoursynth: replaceed fft3dfilter with neo_fft3d (adjusted QTGMC and MCTemporalDenoise in havsfunc accordingly)
- audio: add option to clear audio queue on processing change
- Vapoursynth: support for SRMD
-> downloads:
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.