Hybrid offers multiple option to save stuff:
Most people probably are happy is they use global profiles, but depending on what you want all the other options might be interesting too.
Cu Selur
Ps.: There is also a 'Config->Profiles->Auto save defaults' option, so that Hybrid will save the current settings as defaults on closing Hybrid.
- Defaults, default values which get automatically loaded when Hybrid is started
- Reload a default settings: Config->Defaults->Reload->Reload All Models
- Reset to Hybrids default settings: Config->Defaults->Reset->Reset All Models
- Save the current settings as defaults: Config->Defaults->Save->Save All Models
- If you want Hybrid to automatically save the current settings on close as Defaults, you need to enable: Config->Profiles->Auto save defaults
- Reload a default settings: Config->Defaults->Reload->Reload All Models
- Global Profiles, like the defaults a global profile cotains all settings in the you, but unlike the defaults it will not be automatically loaded
- Save a gloial profile: Config->Profiles->Global Profiles->Save
- Apply a global profile: Config->Profiles->Global Profiles->Apply
- Delete a global profile: Config->Profiles->Global Profiles->Delete
- Save a gloial profile: Config->Profiles->Global Profiles->Save
- Specific Profiles, contain either audio, video, Vapoursynth, Avisynth, configurations of a specific tab, here is an example for the x264 tab:
- Save x264 settings: x264->Configuration->Save
- Apply x264 settings: x264->Configuration->Apply
- Delete x264 settings: x264->Configuration->Delete
- Save x264 settings: x264->Configuration->Save
- AV-Combo-Profiles, combine an audio and video profile
- Save an AV-Combo profile: Config->Profiles->AV-Combo Create->Save
- Apply an AV-Combo profile: Main->Apply AV Combo
- Delete an AV-Combo profile: Config->Profiles->AV-Combo Create->Delete
- Modify an AV-Combo profile: Config->Profiles->AV-Combo Create->Edit
- Save an AV-Combo profile: Config->Profiles->AV-Combo Create->Save
Most people probably are happy is they use global profiles, but depending on what you want all the other options might be interesting too.

Cu Selur
Ps.: There is also a 'Config->Profiles->Auto save defaults' option, so that Hybrid will save the current settings as defaults on closing Hybrid.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.