22.08.2020, 07:07
about dfttest:
The function calls ('clip = core.dfttest.DFTTest(clip=clip)) that Hybrid does' are correct and work on Linux and Windows without a problem.
Hybrid doesn't load the dylib, it should be autoloaded by Vapoursynth. Problem seems to be this either isn't happening or not properly.
I won't change the defaults of QTGMC.
I can change the ProRes names,...
Cu Selur
The function calls ('clip = core.dfttest.DFTTest(clip=clip)) that Hybrid does' are correct and work on Linux and Windows without a problem.
Hybrid doesn't load the dylib, it should be autoloaded by Vapoursynth. Problem seems to be this either isn't happening or not properly.
Quote:Hope it is fixed now.Yes it is.
Quote:I know that Sharpness 1.0 is default used in script, but all other filters use value 0.0 when they are unchecked, so i guess people expect "Sharpness" 0.0 when it is unchecked.Yes, QTGMC by default smoothed and sharpens and does other filtering. That is how it works.
I won't change the defaults of QTGMC.
I can change the ProRes names,...
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.