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Resize issue with "DGDecNV/IM Crop/Resize"
Hello Selur

   I'm using the dev version 2021.01.10.1 and I noted that using the Vapoursynth resize filter defined in:

   Vapoursynth->Frame->Resize->DGDecNV/IM Crop/Resize

  The generated script will not include the new high and width defined in the Resize page.

   For example willing to resize a 360p clip to 720p, in this case Hybrid will generate the following code:

clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip=clip, format=vs.YUV420P10, range_s="limited")

  so actually no resize code is generated.
Haven't used that for ages.
I'll look into it. Smile

Cu Selur
okay, the call itself does seem to work fine, but it doesn't show the correct output:
# loading source: F:\TestClips&Co\files\5000frames.mp4
#  color sampling YV12@10, matrix: bt470, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
DGSource(dgi="E:\Temp\mp4_aa45c5220150e88e111a6d0b57bc389c_853323747.dgi",fieldop=2, crop_t=0, crop_b=0, crop_l=0, crop_r=0, resize_w=1280, resize_h=960) # <- correctly set
# current resolution: 640x480 # <- wrong
# Dithering from 16 to 8bit for encoder
# adjust color to YV12 (color matrix: Rec601)
# setting output fps to 25.000fps
#  output: color sampling YV16@8, matrix: bt470, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
return last

Cu Selur
Okay, seems like it's nor working always.
-> looking into it Smile
I think that there is something missing on my side. I installed the last dev version, but I have the same problem.

Since DGDecNV is an Avisynth plugin, I switched to Avisynth mode and then I performed the same resize.

In this case I don't get any preview and in the log window is showed the following message:

using 32bit AvisynthViewer: D:/Programs/Hybrid\32bit\avsViewer.exe

Avisynth preview error: -> Import: unable to locate "" (try specifying a path), error=0x57

using 32bit AvisynthViewer: D:/Programs/Hybrid\32bit\avsViewer.exe

I tried others resize methods in Avisynth and they are working.
DGDecNV does not come with Hybrid by default since it's domation/payware.
So if you haven't bought a license for it and properly integrated it into Hybrid it won't work. Smile

Cu Selur
Ok, but in the case I able to get it, where I have to put it ? In Hybrid there is the page Config->Tool where it is possible to define the location of the tools used by Hybrid, but I was unable to find anything regarding this filter.
To use DGDecNV:
  • In Vapoursynth the 64bit-DGNV files:
    • DGDecodeNV.dll
    • DGIndexNV.exe
    • license.txt
    need to be placed into the 'Hybrid\64bit\vsfilters\SourceFilter\DGDecNV' folder.
  • 32bit-Avisynth the 32bit-DGNV files:
    • DGDecodeNV.dll
    • DGIndexNV.exe
    • license.txt
    need to be placed into the 'Hybrid\32bit\avisynthPlugins'-folder.
  • 64bit-Avisynth the 64bit-DGNV files:
    • DGDecodeNV.dll
    • DGIndexNV.exe
    • license.txt
    need to be placed into the 'Hybrid\64bit\Avisynth\avisynthPlugins'-folder.

Cu Selur
I got the licensed version of DGDecNV.
I followed your instructions to install it and to be sure I cleared the tools cache.
But I'm still unable to use it.

I attached the full debug log. To test it I'm using the preview window.
Is 'Filtering->Vapoursynth->Misc->Source->Use DGDecNV when available' enabled ?

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