I just noticed there is a bug in Hybrid. The way it saves interlaced FFV1!
it reports in the FFV1-tab:
but the problem is it only uses the first line:
thus it doesn't really tell ffmpeg to encode the content as interlaced,...
Have to look into this some more.
-> ah no, 1st one is the ffmpeg call, second one it the mencoder call that would be used for ffv1 encoding, but the ' -flags +ildct+ilme -top 0 -vf setfield=bff' part should be part of the ffmpeg and not the mencoder call.
Cu Selur
it reports in the FFV1-tab:
-vcodec ffv1 -coder 0 -context 0 -g 1 -level 1
-vcodec ffv1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=ffv1:coder=0:context=0:version=1 -flags +ildct+ilme -top 0 -vf setfield=bff
ffmpeg -y -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 8 -ignore_editlist true -i "C:\Users\Selur\Desktop\input.mov" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf zscale=rangein=tv:range=tv -pix_fmt yuv422p -vsync 0 -vcodec ffv1 -coder 0 -context 0 -g 1 -level 1 -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2022.08.06.1" "E:\Output\input_2022-08-06@11_40_29_4710_01.mkv"
Have to look into this some more.
-> ah no, 1st one is the ffmpeg call, second one it the mencoder call that would be used for ffv1 encoding, but the ' -flags +ildct+ilme -top 0 -vf setfield=bff' part should be part of the ffmpeg and not the mencoder call.
Quote:Is there no way to get older dev versions of Hybrid?no
Quote:Can't Hybrid read the field order tag from the input file and then make a decision like "if input field order is is 1 or 9 && input/processing is bff, write field order tag as 9, else 1. If input field order is is 6 or 14 && input/processing is tff, write field order tag as 14, else 6That leaves out too many options. Like what if the output is interlaced, but the input wasn't? What if the input was separated fields, but the output should be interleaved fields and the other way around. I sketched how it should be done.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.