13.11.2022, 15:06
For those that might be interessted, wanting to update to vs-rife 3.0.0 I ended up setting up a new portable Vapoursynth for the torchAddon with dependencies again and I thought the steps I used might be interessting to some of you:
Cu Selur
- I created a new empy Vapoursynth-folder
- downloaded 'Windows embeddable package (64-bit)' from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3108/ (3.11 isn't supported atm. by Vapoursynth)
- extracted the Python download into the download into the 'Vapoursynth'-folder
- downloaded 'VapourSynth64-Portable-R60.7z' from https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursynth/releases
- extracted the Vapoursynth portable download into the 'Vapoursynth'-folder
- downloaded get-pip.py from https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and save it into the 'Vapoursynth'-folder
- opened a 'Windows Command Prompt'-window and navigate into the 'Vaporusynth'-folder
- installed pip by calling :
pyhton get-pip.py
- opened the python310._pth in a text addition and added the following to lines above anything else in that file and saved the file
Lib\site-packages - installed VSGAN
- python -m pip install vsgan
- python -m pip install torch===1.13.0+cu117 torchvision==0.14.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
- installed BASICVSR++
python -m pip install mmcv-full -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu117/torch1.13/index.html
python -m pip install tqdm
python -m pip install opencv-python
python -m pip install --upgrade vsbasicvsrpp
python -m vsbasicvsrpp
- python -m pip install vsgan
- installted RIFE
- downloaded https://github.com/HolyWu/vs-rife/releas...7_win64.7z
- extracted tensorrt- into my Vapoursynth folder
- python -m pip install tensorrt-
- deleted tensorrt-
- python -m pip install --upgrade vsrife
- created a folder 'vsrife_dependencies' inside the Vapoursynth folder and copied the other files form the CUDA-11.7_cuDNN-8.6.0_TensorRT- into it. This folder need to be added to when using vs-rife using:
import site
# add vs-rife dependencies to the path
path = site.getsitepackages()[0]+'/vsrife_dependencies/'
path = path.replace('\\', '/')
import os
os.environ["PATH"] = path + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] - downloaded the models using:
python -m vsrife - installed SWINIR
python -m pip install --upgrade vsswinir
python -m vsswinir
- downloaded https://github.com/HolyWu/vs-rife/releas...7_win64.7z
- installed DPIR and onnxruntime-gpu
python -m pip install --upgrade vsdpir
python -m pip install --upgrade onnxruntime-gpu
python -m vsdpir - created a onnxruntime_dlls folder inside the Vapoursynth folder.
I copied from cudnn-11.4-windows-x64-v8.2.4.15.zip and NVIDIA CUDA SDK 11.4.1 runtimes the following files into the folder:- cublas64_11.dll
- cublasLt64_11.dll
- cudart64_110.dll
- cudnn_cnn_infer64_8.dll
- cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll
- cudnn64_8.dll
- cufft64_10.dll
- cufftw64_10.dll
- msvcp140.dll
- nvinfer.dll
- nvinfer_builder_resource.dll
- nvinfer_plugin.dll
- nvonnxparser.dll
- nvparsers.dll
- vcruntime140.dll
- vcruntime140_1.dll
- cublas64_11.dll
- When using vsdir or realesrgan in a Vapoursynth script:
needs to be added to the script to load the dlls.# Import libraries for onnxruntime
import site
import ctypes
path = site.getsitepackages()[0]+'/onnxruntime_dlls/'
- installed REALESRGAN (which also uses onnxruntime)
python -m pip install --upgrade vsrealesrgan
python -m vsrealesrgan - Installed HINet
python -m pip install --upgrade vshinet
python -m vshinet
Cu Selur