The top shows the general job progress, unless a sub job is finished it does not change.
The speed on the subjob progress depends on your settings, your source and hardware.
If for example, you use a filter that first builds a TensorRT engine file, building that file might take quite a link time. (during the engine creating, the filters usually don't show any progress, so nothing Hybrid could report).
All machine learning filters might take quite a long time before there is anything Hybrid could report.
I would recommend using the Vapoursynth Preview to see how long the filtering&co takes.
Cu Selur
The speed on the subjob progress depends on your settings, your source and hardware.
If for example, you use a filter that first builds a TensorRT engine file, building that file might take quite a link time. (during the engine creating, the filters usually don't show any progress, so nothing Hybrid could report).
All machine learning filters might take quite a long time before there is anything Hybrid could report.
I would recommend using the Vapoursynth Preview to see how long the filtering&co takes.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.